Wellness Brown Bag Lunch on Better Patient Interactions April 3, 2025 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM

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April 3, 12:30 PM

What if your appointments were patients were conversations and not lectures?

Too often our precious time spent with patients is focused on the what, not the why and how. Our limited window to speak with our patients sends them to internet searches about their medical conditions and us burned out, feeling inadequate to helping them.

Dr. David Canes felt this way in his urology practice but decided to make a change in how he interactions with patients. In this MSDC brown bag lunch, he will explain how he is using technology to inform his patients before they come from their appointment, improving their conversations and care decisions. Over 30 lunchtime minutes, hear more about his journey and how it led to MSDC partner WellPrept being found.

Join us for a casual virtual brown bag lunch that hopefully will give you a few ideas to improve your practice and wellness.