Support Your Colleagues

The Healthy Physician Foundation is an affiliated 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to addressing and preventing moral injury in the physician population, with a specific focus in the DC area. This organization exists to provide programs, resources, and community to a profession overwhelmed and overburdened by stress.
We rely on your generosity to support our key wellness areas:
Physician Health Program
The Medical Society of DC's premier program is the Physician Health Program. The PHP provides monitoring and advocacy for physicians and other eligible health care professionals who have substance use disorders, mental health issues, or other behavioral health concerns that impact their ability to practice their chosen profession safely. See more information here. The program is funded by participants and contributions from health care professionals. Your donation to the program supports practitioners who cannot afford monitoring fees or other costs of care.
Lifestyle medicine certification scholarships
The Healthy Physician Foundation is partnering with the American College of Lifestyle Medicine to promote good health for physicians and patients. The Foundation through its CME link funds scholarships to "train the trainer" or certify DC physicians
to train other DC physicians on lifestyle medicine best practices. Your support funds scholarships for trainees or early career physicians to be certified and become leaders in the medical community.
Coaching and counseling
Did you know all MSDC Active members can sign up for free coaching and counseling sessions? The Foundation seeks to expand this to offer more sessions, sign up more coaches, and extend these sessions to students and trainees. Your donation allows
the Foundation to supports physicians and trainees with direct wellbeing support.
Giving levels - what are our recommended donation levels and what can these donations provide?
- One month's monitoring fees for a PHP participant with financial need.
- One year's MSDC membership for a medical student (required for PHP participation)
- Additional money to the ACLM certification scholarship pool
- One stipend for a speaker for a Foundation healthy cooking conference
- MSDC membership for an early career physician in the PHP with financial need
- One to two free coaching or counseling session for a physician in need
- ACLM membership for a physician going through the ACLM certification program
- The Food as Medicine course needed for ACLM certification
- MSDC membership for an attending in the PHP with financial need
- Half a year of monitoring fees for a PHP participant with financial need
- A free course needed for ACLM certification
- A free HPF apron for the donor
- A year's worth of monitoring fees for a PHP participant with financial need.
- One to two courses for a future coach going through the ACLM certification process.
- Up to five coaching or counseling sessions for a physician with financial need
- Covering the cost to MSDC for a physician with financial need in the PHP program.
- Allowing a future lifestyle coach to attend the ACLM conference to help with certification.
- Funding a series of physician healthy cooking classes.