MSDC Launches the Healthy Physician Program August 5, 2020
Written by J. Desiree Pineda, MD, FACP
News - Healthy Physicians

The MSDC Healthy Physician Program is a new program designed to address and combat moral injury in physicians in the District. Our first component of the program is now live - MSDC-supported sessions with one of eight wellness professionals.
MSDC has vetted and selected seven coaches and one psychologist that are offering MSDC member two wellness session at no cost to the MSDC member. These sessions are confidential and not reported to MSDC, the Board of Medicine, or your employer.
You can learn more about the program here, as well as learn more about each wellness professional and how to arrange your sessions.
MSDC's Wellbeing Committee, which oversees the program, selected a variety of physician coaches, leadership coaches, and a psychologist with diverse backgrounds and specialties. This offering is only available to active, dues paying members current on their membership.
Take a look at our website and arrange an appointment today. If you have any feedback, email me to share.
J. Desiree Pineda, MD, FACP