What to Do Now About the Post-Residency Job Search August 11, 2022
Written by MSDC staff

Life as a resident has many ups and downs. On the upside, you are finishing many years of schooling and training and soon will start earning income in your chosen profession. On the downside, finding that first full-time position can be challenging, and you are already overworked in your training. Whether you aspire to own your own practice, work in a group practice, hospital, academia, or the government, or something else, it is never too early to think about life after residency.
Networking plays an important part in your next step, according to a recent AMA article. In the article, Dr. Laura Halpin, a child and adolescent psychiatrist with Kaiser Permanente in California, shared five networking tips which helped her successfully transition after residency. They are:
- Make a plan to connect
- Get out there
- Self-promote
- Consider moonlighting
- Use your existing physician network (such as participating in a mentoring program)
The Medical Society of DC offers many opportunities to expand your network through virtual and in-person events as well as sections and committees. The Early Career Physicians Section is an ideal place to start and is planning an event this fall. If you are considering private practice, reach out to MSDC’s Private Practice Physicians Section leaders (via duryea@msdc.org) for their insights.
Career coaching and counseling can also help sort out your next steps. MSDC’s Healthy Physician Foundation offers consultations with professional coaches who have been through this journey themselves. There are also coaches to help you manage and deal with the stress of this daunting period.
Remember, the Medical Society is here to support you in your career. Don’t hesitate to reach out to MSDC (via hay@msdc.org) for profile opportunities, guidance, and more.