The DC Physician Health Program (PHP)

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If this is a life threatening emergency, please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK

To learn more about the program, enroll in monitoring, or see what help is available for your healthcare professionals, email or 202-466-1800 x102..

Saving Careers. Saving Lives.

Being a health care professional is tough. Physicians every day make vital decisions under a weight of expectations that few are equipped to handle. Often it feels like you are being asked to be a machine and do more better.

But to us, you are a person. And we know all people can succumb to burnout/stress, addictions, emotional or mental illness, and behavioral issues, We also know the difference is your problems could directly impact the safety of the patients they care for.

Fortunately the DC Physician's Health Program (PHP) addresses health concerns that are specific to health professionals while working to protect the safety of patients in Washington DC.

The MSDC Physician Health Program is a private, confidential, non-disciplinary program that works to advocate for the health and well-being of all physicians in the metropolitan Washington, DC, area and to safeguard the public.

The Program is HIPAA compliant and protects the confidentiality of participant records as set forth under DC and Federal law. The program is administered by the Medical Society of DC and is separate from the DC Board of Medicine. Read more in the MSDC PHP brochure on this page.

For a confidential consultation for your or a colleague that may benefit from our help, please call (202) 466-1800 x102 or email us.  This is not an emergency service; for emergencies please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK.


The PHP can help hospitals meet Joint Commission requirements by providing information on physician impairment at medical staff meetings or grand rounds. An overview of the services or a CME lecture on physician impairment may be scheduled by contacting Robert Hay Jr. by email.

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Do you want to help support your fellow physicians going through their own struggles? The Healthy Physician Foundation was established to fund physician health and addiction programs. Your generous gift allows us to continue supporting those physicians in most need. Donate using the button below.



News Stories About Physician Addiction and Health Programs


Surgeon General Releases Advisory on Health Worker Burnout

May 27, 2022, 08:31 AM by MSDC Staff
The advisory lists many solutions proposed and identified by medical research and points to resources like the MSDC Healthy Physician Foundation

This week, the Surgeon General of the United States released a comprehensive advisory addressing the endemic burnout happening in the healthcare sector. The advisory not only names the issues driving burnout, but lists ways various stakeholders in the community can help address the issue.

You can read the entire advisory here.

The Surgeon General held a press conference announcing the advisory at Children's National Hospital in Washington DC. Dr. Vivek Murthy was joined by Vice President Kamala Harris and the CNH leadership to share the information before the press and public.

In the advisory, the Surgeon General outlines six actions that all stakeholders must take to immediately stem the crisis:

  • Protect the health, safety, and well-being of all health workers (e.g., protection from violence, disease spread, and understaffing)
  • Eliminate punitive policies for seeking mental health and substance use care
  • Reduce administrative and other workplace burdens to help health workers make time for what matters
  • Transform organizational cultures to prioritize health worker well-being and show all health workers that they are valued
  • Recognize social connection and community as a core value of the health care system (e.g. building peer and team-base support groups)
  • Invest in public health and our public health workforce

The advisory also issues recommendations to health care organizations, government entities, insurers, technology companies, academic and training programs, family members, and health care workers.

MSDC takes wellbeing seriously, which is why we've launched the Healthy Physician Foundation. This 501c3 charitable organization creates wellbeing resources and programs for physicians in the DC area, independent of health systems or hospitals. This is your wellness program for your community. Learn more by visiting our website here.


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