Advocacy Successes

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Physician Advocacy Successes

Good health policy is made with physicians in the discussion.

MSDC, working with its members, partners, and other organizations, has won major policy victories to help its members practice medicine. Below is a sampling of those victories. Do you want to be a vital part of the next policy victory helping improve the health of the District? Contact us today.

25th Council Period (2023-2024) [see update for entire Council period]

Prior authorization

  • MSDC successfully advocated for the passage and funding of prior authorization legislation that makes DC one of the most patient-supported states in the nation when it comes to insurance reforms.

Scope of Practice

  • MSDC led a coalition that defeated proposals to allow podiatrists to treat wrist injuries and classify athletic trainers and chiropractors as medical practitioners.

Public Health

  • MSDC supported legislation to require coverage for prostate cancer screenings, schools and athletic facilities to create cardiac incident plans, and schools to create plans to help students who suffer from seizures.
24th Council Period (2021-2022)

Opioid Policy

  • MSDC was added to the opioid fund oversight panel by the Council in its legislation authorizing the oversight body

Scope of Practice

  • MSDC supported legislation to ban the sale of flavored electronic smoking devices and restrict the sale of electronic smoking devices.
  • Working with a coalition, MSDC added funding to the DC budget to support the hiring of more license specialists to help with the delay in processing medical licenses.

Women's Health

  • B24-143, to regulate certified midwives, passed the Council with MSDC's support
23rd Council Period (2019-2020) [see update for entire Council period]

Health Equity

  • Mayor Muriel Bowser signs into law the Electronic Medical Order for Scope of Treatment Registry Amendment Act of 2019. The eMOST Registry Amendment Act permits the creation of an electronic database of advanced directive wishes for District residents that can be tied into the health information exchange.
  • Mayor Bowser signs into law the School Sunscreen Safety Temporary Amendment Act of 2019. The bill permits students to bring and apply sunscreen during the 2019-2020 school year.
  • MSDC comments on the importance of funding United Medical Center (UMC) and health facilities in Wards 7 and 8 in the mayor's budget.

Scope of Practice

  • DC Health publishes draft regulations removing the 3 mandatory CME hours for HIV/AIDS awareness and replaces them with a requirement to fulfill 10% of mandatory CME hours with a topic from a public health priority list. DC Health then waived the requirement for 2020.
  • The Strengthening Reproductive Health Protections Act of 2020 is signed into law with MSDC support. The bill prohibits government interference in reproductive decisions between a patient and doctor, and prohibits employers from penalizing physicians for practicing reproductive medicine outside of their work hours.
  • The Mayor's Commission on Healthcare Systems Transformation releases its final recommendations. One recommendation is for the District to explore options to make providing health care more affordable, including financial relief for higher malpractice insurance rates.
  • The Council removes "telephone" from the list of prohibited types of telemedicine to allow physicians and other providers to be reimbursed for telephone telemedicine appointments after MSDC and health community advocacy.
  • MSDC worked with the Council to modify onerous language in the Health Care Reporting Amendment Act that potentially would have penalized physicians from seeking help for substance abuse or addiction issues.

Opioid/Drug Policy

  • The Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) waives prior authorization for key medication assisted treatments (MAT) treating substance use disorder patients in Medicaid.
  • The Mayor signed into law The Access to Biosimilars Amendment Act of 2019, a top MSDC priority as it would help prescribers to prescribe more cost-effective drugs for patients.

Behavioral Health

  • The Behavioral Health Parity Act of 2017, a major priority for MSDC and DCPA, officially becomes law. The legislation requires all health benefit plans offered by an insurance carrier to meet the federal requirements of the Wellstone/Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.
22nd Council Period (2017-2018)

Health Equity

  • The District Council passes B22-1001, The Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Amendment Act of 2018. The bill prohibits the sale of Short Term, Limited Duration health plans and Association Health Plans (AHPs) in the DC Health Benefits Exchange.

Scope of Practice

  • DC joins 28 other states in the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact with B22-177 becoming law. The IMLC is designed to ease physician licensure in multiple states.

Women's Health

  • The Maternal Mortality Review Committee is established by law. The Committee is responsible for finding solutions to maternal health crisis in the District. District physicians are an important part of this vital committee.
  • B22-106, The Defending Access to Women's Health Care Services Amendment Act, becomes law. The act requires insurers to cover health care services like breast cancer screening and STI screenings without cost-sharing.
21st Council Period (2015-2016)

Opioid Policy

  • Right before the Council adjourned for the session, it passed B21-32, the Specialty Drug Copayment Limitation Act. The bill limits cost shifting by payers for prescription drugs.

Behavioral Health 

  • B21-0007 passes the Council. The Behavioral Health Coordination of Care Amendment Act of 2016 permitted the disclosing of mental health information between a mental health facility and the health professional caring for the patient.

Women's Health

  • MSDC was proud to have worked on B21-20. The law requires payers to cover up to 12 months of prescription contraception, advancing women's health and equality.



AMA Issues Roadmap for Equity in Medicine

May 12, 2021, 08:10 AM by Gerald Harmon, MD
The AMA offers a roadmap to rectifying medicine's mistakes towards marginalized communities.

The below is a reprint of an article from AMA President-Elect Gerald Harmon, MD, announcing the American Medical Association's initiative.

Meaningful progress toward equity in medicine begins by first recognizing the existence of structural racism and then by making an honest effort to understand how profoundly systems of oppression and discrimination can influence the health of our patients.
As a family physician in coastal South Carolina for more than 30 years, I have seen firsthand the results of centuries of health inequities—largely rooted in racism and social injustices—that have led to devastating consequences for Black, Latinx, Asian and Indigenous communities, but also for LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities and those living in rural areas.

Ours is a health system that—in the words of Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, at the Morehouse School of Medicine—has assigned value and advantages to some communities while disadvantaging others.

These advantages can be seen throughout health care, beginning in the exam room if we ignore our patient’s concerns about pain or deny them access to certain treatments or tests. Black women, for example, are less likely to be referred for cancer screenings than white women, even when their own family history puts them at greater risk.   

But we also see the assigning of values across society when cities neglect and discourage investment in Black communities, or when racist housing and lending practices go unchallenged. We see it in rural communities where physician offices are sparse and public transportation often nonexistent. We see it in the healthy food deserts that surround neighborhoods in poverty. And we see it, all too frequently, in the police violence and brutality inflicted on Black and Brown communities everywhere.

These examples merely scratch the surface, but they can significantly influence a person’s chances for a healthy life. It has taken our physician community and our health system far too long to come to this conclusion, but we know now that these and other factors are a big reason why historically marginalized groups suffer higher rates of heart disease, diabetes and other chronic ailments.

These conditions—along with barriers that prevent access to care—have contributed to disastrous results in the past year as communities of color have been much more likely than white people to suffer severe outcomes from COVID-19.

This is not only unfair and unjust. It’s heartbreaking. It is also completely avoidable.

Building on momentum that began with a public apology in 2008 to acknowledge the AMA’s own history of discriminatory actions against Black physicians, and a growing movement within our House of Delegates (HOD) and outside our organization, one of my first acts as AMA board chair in 2017 was to appoint a health equity task force to explore these issues and return with specific recommendations that would guide our work moving forward. Their recommendations, combined with strong backing from our HOD, AMA board and management, ultimately led to the creation of the AMA Center for Health Equity and the development of an organization wide strategic plan on equity that we release today.

5 keys to move ahead
This plan provides a framework for advancing greater equity in health care with five strategic actions that advance equity and justice, address inequities, and, importantly, work to improve patient outcomes and the quality of care for all people.

Today, the AMA commits itself to:

  • Embedding equity and racial justice throughout the AMA by expanding capacity for understanding and implementing anti-racism equity strategies via practices, programming, policies and culture.

  • Building alliances with marginalized physicians and other stakeholders through developing structures and coalitions to elevate the experiences and ideas of marginalized and minoritized health care leaders.

  • Pushing upstream to address determinants of health and root causes of inequities by strengthening, empowering and equipping physicians with the knowledge of—and tools for—dismantling structural and social drivers of health inequities.

  • Ensuring equitable structures and opportunities in innovation through embedding and advancing racial justice and health equity within existing AMA efforts to advance digital health.

  • Fostering pathways for truth, racial healing, reconciliation and transformation for AMA’s past by accounting for how policies and processes excluded, discriminated and harmed communities, and by amplifying and integrating the narratives of historically marginalized physicians and patients.
To be a leader in medicine—to fulfill our mission of promoting the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health—requires us, as an organization and as a profession, to recognize past harms and take meaningful steps to correct them.

It requires us to be honest and vulnerable on matters of injustice. It requires us to be humble enough to admit we don’t know everything but committed to finding out. It requires us to learn, to understand, and to help lead through new partnerships and alliances.

The AMA is not a pioneer in this effort. Many organizations have been speaking out against racial and social injustices in health and working to solve them for decades. We applaud all of those who have shined a spotlight on inequities and sought to address them. We want to be part of this solution because we believe we can help. We believe that by leveraging the power of our membership, our influence, and our reach we can help bring real and lasting change to medicine.

Social inequities and their consequences for families, for health care and for our nation’s future are far too great for the AMA to be a passive bystander. We must, and we will, take an active role by building alliances, by convening stakeholders, and by rallying our physician community around a common cause.

As AMA president-elect, I am fully committed to this cause, its purpose and the work ahead. We are called to this moment. I invite you to join us as we march toward a more just, equitable and healthy future for all.


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