Project Firstline Infection Prevention and Control

The Medical Society of DC joins the "House of Medicine" and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is participating in Project Firstline. MSDC presents the following video resources to remind healthcare facilities of best practices to prevent the spread of infection and disease through routine practices.



Catheter Line Infections with Ryan Zumalt

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Cleaning v. Sanitizing v. Disinfecting, with Ricardo Gonzalez

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Controlling Exposure with Ricardo Gonzalez

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Nurse training on infection prevention and control, with Sharon Beasley

Take our post-video survey here.


Quality and Infection Control with Ryan Zumalt

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Ventilator Safety with Ryan Zumalt

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The Past is Present: What Medical History Teaches About Infection Control

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This event is part of the AMA and CDC's Project Firstline. Project Firstline is a national collaborative led by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide infection control training and education to frontline health care workers and public health personnel. AMA has partnered with Project Firstline, as supported through Cooperative Agreement CDC-RFA-CK20-2003.  MSDC is proud to collaborate with AMA and Project Firstline in this educational activity.  CDC is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this event do not necessarily represent the policies of CDC or HHS and should not be considered an endorsement by the Federal Government.