Advocacy Successes

Physician Advocacy Successes
Good health policy is made with physicians in the discussion.
MSDC, working with its members, partners, and other organizations, has won major policy victories to help its members practice medicine. Below is a sampling of those victories. Do you want to be a vital part of the next policy victory helping improve the health of the District? Contact us today.
Prior authorization
- MSDC successfully advocated for the passage and funding of prior authorization legislation that makes DC one of the most patient-supported states in the nation when it comes to insurance reforms.
Scope of Practice
- MSDC led a coalition that defeated proposals to allow podiatrists to treat wrist injuries and classify athletic trainers and chiropractors as medical practitioners.
Public Health
- MSDC supported legislation to require coverage for prostate cancer screenings, schools and athletic facilities to create cardiac incident plans, and schools to create plans to help students who suffer from seizures.
Opioid Policy
- MSDC was added to the opioid fund oversight panel by the Council in its legislation authorizing the oversight body
Scope of Practice
- MSDC supported legislation to ban the sale of flavored electronic smoking devices and restrict the sale of electronic smoking devices.
- Working with a coalition, MSDC added funding to the DC budget to support the hiring of more license specialists to help with the delay in processing medical licenses.
Women's Health
- B24-143, to regulate certified midwives, passed the Council with MSDC's support
Health Equity
- Mayor Muriel Bowser signs into law the Electronic Medical Order for Scope of Treatment Registry Amendment Act of 2019. The eMOST Registry Amendment Act permits the creation of an electronic database of advanced directive wishes for District residents that can be tied into the health information exchange.
- Mayor Bowser signs into law the School Sunscreen Safety Temporary Amendment Act of 2019. The bill permits students to bring and apply sunscreen during the 2019-2020 school year.
- MSDC comments on the importance of funding United Medical Center (UMC) and health facilities in Wards 7 and 8 in the mayor's budget.
Scope of Practice
- DC Health publishes draft regulations removing the 3 mandatory CME hours for HIV/AIDS awareness and replaces them with a requirement to fulfill 10% of mandatory CME hours with a topic from a public health priority list. DC Health then waived the requirement for 2020.
- The Strengthening Reproductive Health Protections Act of 2020 is signed into law with MSDC support. The bill prohibits government interference in reproductive decisions between a patient and doctor, and prohibits employers from penalizing physicians for practicing reproductive medicine outside of their work hours.
- The Mayor's Commission on Healthcare Systems Transformation releases its final recommendations. One recommendation is for the District to explore options to make providing health care more affordable, including financial relief for higher malpractice insurance rates.
- The Council removes "telephone" from the list of prohibited types of telemedicine to allow physicians and other providers to be reimbursed for telephone telemedicine appointments after MSDC and health community advocacy.
- MSDC worked with the Council to modify onerous language in the Health Care Reporting Amendment Act that potentially would have penalized physicians from seeking help for substance abuse or addiction issues.
Opioid/Drug Policy
- The Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) waives prior authorization for key medication assisted treatments (MAT) treating substance use disorder patients in Medicaid.
- The Mayor signed into law The Access to Biosimilars Amendment Act of 2019, a top MSDC priority as it would help prescribers to prescribe more cost-effective drugs for patients.
Behavioral Health
- The Behavioral Health Parity Act of 2017, a major priority for MSDC and DCPA, officially becomes law. The legislation requires all health benefit plans offered by an insurance carrier to meet the federal requirements of the Wellstone/Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.
Health Equity
- The District Council passes B22-1001, The Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Amendment Act of 2018. The bill prohibits the sale of Short Term, Limited Duration health plans and Association Health Plans (AHPs) in the DC Health Benefits Exchange.
Scope of Practice
- DC joins 28 other states in the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact with B22-177 becoming law. The IMLC is designed to ease physician licensure in multiple states.
Women's Health
- The Maternal Mortality Review Committee is established by law. The Committee is responsible for finding solutions to maternal health crisis in the District. District physicians are an important part of this vital committee.
- B22-106, The Defending Access to Women's Health Care Services Amendment Act, becomes law. The act requires insurers to cover health care services like breast cancer screening and STI screenings without cost-sharing.
Opioid Policy
- Right before the Council adjourned for the session, it passed B21-32, the Specialty Drug Copayment Limitation Act. The bill limits cost shifting by payers for prescription drugs.
Behavioral Health
- B21-0007 passes the Council. The Behavioral Health Coordination of Care Amendment Act of 2016 permitted the disclosing of mental health information between a mental health facility and the health professional caring for the patient.
Women's Health
- MSDC was proud to have worked on B21-20. The law requires payers to cover up to 12 months of prescription contraception, advancing women's health and equality.
Dr. Peebles Takes An Expansive View of Health
Shannon Sloat (L) and Klint Peebles (R)
“All plants are our brothers and sisters. They talk to us and if we listen, we can hear them.” – Arapaho
Native Americans have fierce respect for the natural world. Through their beliefs, they understood that all parts of nature were intertwined, and harm done to one element of nature would have adverse effects overall.
D.C. dermatologist, Dr. Klint Peebles understands this to be true.
“I grew up in a small town in the rural South called Philadelphia, Mississippi, which is adjacent to the tribal land of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. The intersection of Indigenous culture with my own had a profound influence on my parents’ careers, and subsequently, me,” Dr. Peebles said.
Dr. Peebles’ father is a pharmacist, who at 79, is still working full time. He was the first in his family to attend college. After attending the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) he joined the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and through the Indian Health Service was sent to serve the Navajo Nation in Fort Defiance, Arizona. “He enjoyed helping this underserved population and loved the people. He found the entire experience rewarding and wanted this service to be the focal point of his career,” said Dr. Peebles.
Meanwhile, Dr. Peebles’ mother earned her nursing license in Illinois before she was even 20 years old. Also drawn to caring for Indigenous populations and with a fascination for the Southwest, she also decided to start her career with the Navajo Nation. “During her time there, she met my father, they married, and as the saying goes, the rest is history. After concluding their time in Arizona, they relocated back to my father’s childhood home in Mississippi, where both maintained their focus on Indigenous healthcare by working with the Choctaw Indians,” said Dr. Peebles.
“My parents did what they needed to do to make a living while following their passions. They were brilliant, innovative, and motivated to think outside the box. My parents were independent thinkers whose lives were set off on unique trajectories,” Dr. Peebles said.
Dr. Peebles considered several avenues including animal welfare and law as a career focus. But medicine seemed the most relevant. “Observing my parents, I saw how healthcare shaped them and their interests and how deeply rewarded they were by it. I wanted that to be my experience too.”
When it came time to decide upon a specialty, there was a pause yet again. “There were so many specialties that interested me, and it was very challenging to choose. Ultimately, during my pediatrics clerkship at the end of my third year of medical school, I chose a sub-rotation in pediatric dermatology. During this time, I had the consequential opportunity to be fully immersed in dermatology. I quickly realized how broad the field is with its incredible variability and necessity for lifelong learning. With dermatology, I can observe clues on the skin that indicate what is going on inside the body before it has a chance to be detected by other specialties. As the body’s largest organ, the skin offers a glimpse into the rest,” Dr. Peebles said.
As a dermatologist, Dr. Peebles treats patients across the lifespan and across a host of conditions. “In a single morning, I might treat a baby with extensive eczema, then an elderly patient with a severe blistering disorder, a young adult with refractory acne in the setting of gender affirmation, another patient with lupus, a chemotherapy-induced rash, and later surgically remove a melanoma and everything in between.”
While the days are usually intense, Dr. Peebles embraces more of a relaxing life at home. “I love to bake and am starting to focus more on vegan recipes. While I have a lot to learn, I am constantly looking for ways to infuse my love of animals and their broader welfare into every other facet of my life.”
Dr. Peebles and partner, Shannon Sloat, have a Calico cat named Neo and a 9-month-old Yorkie-Shih Tzu named Mochi. Their Capitol Hill home has a deck that hosts a vibrant array of wildlife, including squirrels, blue jays, mourning doves, cardinals, and mockingbirds, all of which are frequently treated to a meal of their own.
The couple enjoys scouting out new hikes in the region and has hiked Rock Creek Park, the Shenandoah Valley, Great Falls, and the Tundra Swan Sanctuary to name a few.
Spending time hiking helps Dr. Peebles avoid physician burnout, an issue among dermatologists along with physicians in other specialties. “Burnout is nothing new, and dermatologists are experiencing these burdens just like everyone else.”
Dr. Peebles has always been involved in organized medicine. “I derive great satisfaction and fulfillment from being involved in organizations advocating for physicians, and I joined MSDC as soon as I arrived in the District. MSDC has an array of experts focused on getting things done. The staff is exceptional.”
Dr. Peebles is the current chair of the Advocacy Committee. Currently, the committee is focused on two pressing issues: copay accumulators and prior authorization. Dr. Peebles and other seasoned MSDC advocates testified during the hearing on copay accumulators recently and are continuing their advocacy efforts on behalf of this critical issue for the patients of the District.
Prior authorization is an issue of universal importance to patients and physicians alike. “We need to remove the burden of prior authorization so patients can receive needed medicine in a more timely, efficient, and cost-effective manner. Prior authorization is a cost savings tactic by insurance companies that delays patients from receiving treatment.” “Physicians are in a unique position in our society as our expertise is critical. Our profession has far-reaching impacts on the health and well-being of society, and it is of paramount importance that we recognize the role of advocacy as inextricably linked to the care that we can provide as well as the ability of our patients to access that care. In a word, advocacy is essential,” Dr. Peebles said.
Dr. Peebles’ vision for healthcare transcends human beings and includes that of the entire world. “I hope to broaden the perspective of healthcare to include that of non-humans as well. The viability and prosperity of the human family cannot be untangled from the well-being of our plant and animal neighbors. This planet is a shared treasury of finite resources that we simply cannot afford to lose.”
Do you know a physician who should be profiled in the MSDC Spotlight Series? Submit a nomination to Robert Hay,, for a future story. MSDC membership is encouraged for featured physicians.