Gender Equity

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Two female physicians speaking

The Medical Society of DC has launched a Gender Equity Task Force to explore areas around equity in medicine in the District. The Task Force's work will include:

  • A compensation survey to determine pay disparities among male and female physicians in DC
  • Webinars and in-person programs on negotiating employment contracts and equitable compensation
  • Published resources to help build gender equity in DC healthcare facilities
  • And more.

See below for some of the Task Force's initial work. Want to get involved or partner with the task force in its work? Contact Pia Duryea.


American Medical Association Resources
American Medical Womens Association Resources
Association of American Medical Colleges Resources
Association of Women Surgeons Resources
Academic Articles

Academic Articles

Westring, A., et al., An Integrated Framework for Gender Equity in Academic Medicine. Acad Med, 2016. 91(8): p. 1041-4. Online Open Access

Bickel, J., Is Gender Equity Possible in Academic Medicine or Are There More Useful Goals on Which to Focus? J Womens Health (Larchmt), 2020. 29(8): p. 1025-1027. Online Open Access

Burden, M., et al., Gender disparities in leadership and scholarly productivity of academic hospitalists. J Hosp Med, 2015. 10(8): p. 481-5. PDF

Caffrey, L., et al., Gender equity programmes in academic medicine: a realist evaluation approach to Athena SWAN processes. BMJ Open, 2016. 6(9): p. e012090. PDF

Isaac, C., B. Lee, and M. Carnes, Interventions that affect gender bias in hiring: a systematic review. Acad Med, 2009. 84(10): p. 1440-6. Free, Full PDF

Chen, S., G.L. Beck Dallaghan, and A. Shaheen, Implicit Gender Bias in Third-Year Surgery Clerkship MSPE Narratives. J Surg Educ, 2020. Online Open Access

Sidhu, A., S. Jalal, and F. Khosa, Prevalence of Gender Disparity in Professional Societies of Family Medicine: A Global Perspective. Cureus, 2020. 12(5): p. e7917. Online Open Access

Acosta, D.A., et al., Achieving Gender Equity Is Our Responsibility: Leadership Matters. Acad Med, 2020. 95(10): p. 1468-1471. Online Open Access

Nationwide Data on Compensation Inequality

Despite the increased number of women physicians, there is a significant gender pay gap in medicine in nationwide surveys. Studies show that women physicians nationwide earn less than men despite controlling for variables such as race, ethnicity, and specialty.

According to a brief coauthored by DC Board of Medicine Chair Dr. Andrea  Anderson, across every racial/ethnic group, male physicians earned more than female physicians. The annual average income was $224,645 and average hourly compensation was $88.06. Regardless of racial/ethnic group, all male respondents earned above the average annual income, and all women respondents earned below average. Women physicians earn less than men whether they are in primary or specialty care, with women in primary care making the least of all physicians.

These disparities amplify and compound over time. A widely publicized study calculated that women physicians make $2 million less than men over their lifetime.

Physician mothers face further unique structural challenges. These include barriers to lactation in the workplace  and the disproportionate childcare burden that they face. A JAMA study found that women physicians “have the added difficulty of trying to find care outside typical hours such as nights and weekends, with only 8 percent of the center-based care providing nonstandard coverage.


Causes of Inequality

Pay transparency is seen as a way to highlight pay disparities and to close the gender gap. A LinkedIn study found that women are more open than men to sharing pay information. The Task Force discussed anecdotal reports of gender inequity for solo providers in reimbursement from payers.

Although pay transparency may facilitate equity, it is certainly not the only factor. Opportunities for advancement and promotion as well as work schedule flexibility, work-life balance, structural workplace policies, and skill development (such as contract negotiation) play an important role in overall compensation and career satisfaction.

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted women disproportionately compared to men, largely by shifting caretaking and homecare roles to women. Consequently, existing disparities were amplified with an increase in burnout. This led to an increase in women leaving the physician workforce during the pandemic. It is unclear whether that trend will continue beyond the pandemic and what will be the long-term impact of the pandemic on GE.

The Granite Anniversary of Doctors’ Day Symbolizes Physician Strength and Brilliance

Mar 30, 2023, 08:47 AM by MSDC Staff
MSDC President Dr. Susanne Bathgate has a special message for the DC physician community and our patients.

Today is the 90th anniversary of National Doctors Day, an annual observance to thank doctors for the life-saving contributions they make to public health. Granite, the stone that commemorates a 90th anniversary, is fitting for doctors today and every day; they are both strong enough to bear significant weight and display brilliance when under pressure. The Medical Society is inspired by the strength and brilliance of District doctors today, as it has been every day since its founding in 1817.

Doctors' Day was first conceived by Eudora Brown Almond, wife of Dr. Charles Almond, as a day to honor and give thanks to physicians. It took place on March 30, 1933, coinciding with the anniversary of the first administration of anesthesia by US physician Dr. Crawford Long. For the past 90 years it has served as an annual reminder of the role that physicians play in our lives and society at large.

Doctors are at the forefront of many issues of national debate. Unfortunately, delivering life-saving care while navigating hot button issues, has taken a toll on physician wellbeing, making Doctors’ Day more important than ever. Physicians face increasing moral injury and administrative overload, and too many are leaving the workforce, putting additional pressure on those who remain. Regrettably, physicians die by suicide at twice the rate of the general population, according to the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes Foundation. A message of appreciation can have a strong positive impact on their wellbeing. 

MSDC is inspired by District physicians, especially our physician leaders, who have persevered throughout the pandemic and many other healthcare crises. MSDC President Susanne Bathgate, MD, shared her reflections on this day of thanksgiving:

To my DC physician colleagues, thank you for all that you do today and throughout the year. I am humbled to work in the District of Columbia amongst a community of physicians who work so tirelessly and care so deeply about the health and wellbeing of the residents of our region. In recognition of this Doctors’ Day, please remember to take good care of yourself as well as your patients.


Here are several ways to recognize physicians on Doctors Day and throughout the year:

  • Give a doctor a red carnation, the official symbol of Doctors’ Day.
  • Thank a medical doctor. Not just your own, but any doctor you meet or know.
  • Post a message of thanks on social media. Use the hashtag #NationalDoctorsDay
  • Make the feeling of thanks last beyond today. Thank your doctor every time you visit.
  • Remember that behind the strong, brilliant facade, doctors may be at risk. Visit for wellbeing support.
  • Recognize your role in good health. Maintain regular health appointments and follow your doctor’s treatment plan.


Task Force Members
Dr. Klint Peebles (Co-Chair, Advocacy Chair)
Dr. Susanne Bathgate
Dr. Jehan El-Bayoumi
Dr. Nada Mallick
Dr. Ashesh Patel
Dr. Dana Shively
Dr. Dock Winston
Allison Willett