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MSDC Members and Guests "Design the Future of Medicine" at Annual Meeting and Gala

Oct 30, 2021, 10:31 AM by MSDC Staff
Despite a little rain, MSDC members and guests welcomed a new president and Board members, while mixing and mingling with VIPs, sponsors, and friends.

MSDC members, guests, and DC leaders gathered at the AIA Courtyard and Event Center on Friday to celebrate the Society's annual meeting of members. Despite less-than-ideal weather, MSDC hosted its largest social event since the District's public health emergency was declared in 2020. A new feature this year was a livestream of the business meeting, which permitted attendees who could not be there in person to watch the business proceedings.

The highlight of the event was the inauguration of Kirstiaan Nevin, MD, as the Society's 157th president. Dr. Nevin becomes president of the Society at the conclusion of the meeting, and offered a forward-looking vision in her inaugural address. Pledging to work for physician wellness and expanding the wellbeing and Physician Health Programs, Dr. Nevin also announced MSDC would pursue a mentorship program linking young and experienced physicians. This program will help early career physicians, Residents/Fellows, and medical students connect and learn from experienced physicians looking to help grow the next generation of DC medicine.

Dr. Bathgate speaking at 2021 annual meeting

The business meeting began with a short welcome from Chair of the Board of Directors and new MSDC President-Elect Susanne Bathgate, MD. Dr. Bathgate expressed hope for the future of medicine because of the strong background and dedication of early career and student practitioners. She then asked for a moment of silence to remember those physicians who died this past year, in particular past MSDC President Dr. John Larsen.


She then introduced MSDC President Dr. EW Emanuel, who gave his Presidential remarks. Dr. Emanuel outlined some of MSDC's major victories over the past year, including increased physician involvement in advocacy, expanded wellbeing resources, a new membership model, and overall growth in engagement and involvement with the DC medical community. Dr. Emanuel expressed his appreciation over the past year to MSDC leadership and staff, and closed his speech with a heartfelt thank you to the members - especially those in the room - for helping guide his presidency over the past year.

As part of the business meeting, Dr. Emanuel thanked departing Board members Barry Lewis, MD, and Yavar Moghimi, MD, for their service to the Society. He also welcomed Ashesh Patel, MD, to the Board and congratulated the re-elected Board members.

Phil Mendolson addressing annual meetig

MSDC member also had a special address from the Chair of the Council of the District of Columbia, the Honorable Phil Mendelson. The Council Chair encouraged the physicians present to remain involved in advocacy and share their perspectives before the Council. He reminded attendees of the (unfortunately unsuccessful) fight against insurance companies where the medical community and his office worked together.

Before and after the business meeting, attendees mixed and mingled in the lobby of the American Institute of Architects. Surrounded by glass, food, and beverage, attendees meet with colleagues, learned from sponsors, and caught up after 18 months of pandemic response. 

More information, pictures, and details about this event will be shared in the coming days.


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