Behavioral Health

Behavioral health is a major public health issue in the District of Columbia. Sadly, many of the legislative and regulatory initiatives around behavioral health are tied to other public health concerns, such as opioid addiction, maternal mortality, and health equity.
In partnership with the Washington Psychiatric Society, AMA, and American Psychiatric Association (APA), MSDC works to ensure that patients receive appropriate support for behavioral health issues, that the practice of psychiatry is supported in the District, and that psychiatrists are available to patients in the District.
MSDC was a proud supporter of the Behavioral Health Parity Act of 2017, which enshrined into law that all health plans offered by an insurance carrier meet federal requirements of the Wellstone/Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.
MSDC Statements and Testimony of Behavioral Health Issues
25th Council period information coming soon
DC Health Opens New Healthcare Loan Reimbursement Application Cycle
The below is a press release from DC Health's Health Professional Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) office:
On May 15, 2021 the District of Columbia Department of Health (DC Health) will accept applications for the Health Professional Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP). HPLRP provides loan repayment services to eligible providers practicing in HPLRP-certified Service Obligation Sites (SOS) in the District. New provider applications will be accepted from May 15, 2021– June 15, 2021 for Tier I; Tier II will open June 30 and close July 30, 2021 contingent upon availability.
The HPLRP will issue up to twenty-one (21) award contracts to primary care and mental health physicians specializing in obstetrics and gynecology and or psychiatry working or having a contract in one our HPLRP certified Service Obligation Sites (SOS) and have 100% of their total debt, not to exceed $200,000, repaid by the HPLRP over 4 years of service, provided that the participant will provide full-time service in Ward 7 or 8 in the District of Columbia. The initial award is 44% of the participant's loan not to exceed $88,000 for two-years of service.
Providers interested in the program must be employed or have an employment contract with a certified Service Obligation Site (SOS) to provide direct patient care for at least 40 hours per week. A site must be an approved SOS for a provider to be eligible for the HPLRP. To become an SOS, a site must be a public or nonprofit entity located in a Health Professional Shortage or Medically Under-served Area/Population (HPSA/MUA/MUP) and must submit a Site Certification Application to the HPLRP. HPLRP applications, including recommendation letters and loan verification information, must be completed and submitted to DC Health by June15, 2021 for the 1st closing date. Tier II cycle will close July 30, 2021.
The anticipated contract start date for selected applicants is August 15, 2021.
You can apply at
HPLRP Application Technical Assistance Conference Call for Fall & Spring Webinar (Note: Chrome Extension May Be Required or use Internet Explorer)
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Sample of Legislation MSDC is Tracking in Behavioral Health
(see the whole list of bills here)
What does it do? The bill requires licensed health providers to complete 2 hours of CME on suicide prevention, assessment, and screening.
MSDC position: MSDC opposes the bill as written as the language does not encourage physician wellbeing or sufficient awareness of suicide prevention.
Current status: The bill had a hearing with the Committee on Health on June 10.