Behavioral Health

Behavioral health is a major public health issue in the District of Columbia. Sadly, many of the legislative and regulatory initiatives around behavioral health are tied to other public health concerns, such as opioid addiction, maternal mortality, and health equity.
In partnership with the Washington Psychiatric Society, AMA, and American Psychiatric Association (APA), MSDC works to ensure that patients receive appropriate support for behavioral health issues, that the practice of psychiatry is supported in the District, and that psychiatrists are available to patients in the District.
MSDC was a proud supporter of the Behavioral Health Parity Act of 2017, which enshrined into law that all health plans offered by an insurance carrier meet federal requirements of the Wellstone/Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.
MSDC Statements and Testimony of Behavioral Health Issues
25th Council period information coming soon
MSDC Raises Scope Creep and More with DC Board of Medicine
MSDC attended the DC Board of Medicine’s in-person open session meeting today. The meeting took place at DC Health’s new headquarters, located in Ward 8 at 2201 Shannon Pl SE, Washington, DC 20020. The meeting addressed government relations, licensure, and other physician matters. According to the current licensure census, there are currently over 13,000 physicians (MD and DO) licensed in the District of Columbia.
Topics of physician interest
- The DC scope expansion bill, or HORA, the Health Occupations Revision Act, will have its second and final vote on May 7. MSDC reiterated its strong concerns about the current iteration of the bill, which you can read about here. MSDC highlighted patient safety concerns and will continue to vigorously voice patient and physician concerns with the Board of Medicine and other stakeholders. Physicians are invited to join MSDC’s sign-on letter and to participate in MSDC’s ongoing advocacy.
- The Department of Health had its budget oversight hearings on April 11. Among the programs that will move forward is funding for professional loan repayment.
- The DC Council is considering a bill, the Firearm Injury Prevention Amendment Act, which includes a continuing education requirement for physicians and other medical professionals. MSDC is strongly opposed to all content-specific CME mandates and opposes this bill.
- Physicians are reminded that this is a license renewal year, and all DC physician licenses expire December 31, 2024. The Board of Medicine has not yet finalized the public health priority topics for this cycle. MSDC will keep members updated on CME and other requirements and will stand ready to provide individual assistance.
- MSDC discussed the Gender Equity Task Force’s compensation survey to evaluate gender pay equity among physicians in Washington, D.C. MSDC’s survey will be released in May and all physicians are encouraged to participate given the importance of diversity and equity in ensuring a sustainable workforce. Please be on the lookout so that MSDC can have a representative sample.
- The Board of Medicine has multiple vacancies for physician members. Interested members should note that the residency requirement for serving on the Board of Medicine has been modified. MSDC encourages any members who are interested to contact Robert Hay at
Sample of Legislation MSDC is Tracking in Behavioral Health
(see the whole list of bills here)
What does it do? The bill requires licensed health providers to complete 2 hours of CME on suicide prevention, assessment, and screening.
MSDC position: MSDC opposes the bill as written as the language does not encourage physician wellbeing or sufficient awareness of suicide prevention.
Current status: The bill had a hearing with the Committee on Health on June 10.