Health Equity
News, Statements, and Testimony on Health Equity Issues
25th Council session information coming soon.
MSDC and DC Physician Associations Urge Council to Limit Liability Exposure
MSDC and leading District medical societies today released a letter to the Council of DC urging them to adopt legislative language from New York and Massachusetts limiting health care provider liability during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
The letter urged Chairman Phil Mendelson to adopt the legislative language used by Massachusetts to protect physicians from civil and medial liability during the COVID-19 public health emergency, with an exception for gross negligence. The DC medical community is concerned that delays in care due to the postponement of non-emergency procedures would open physicians and their offices to malpractice lawsuits if the delays caused adverse consequences. With many practices facing financial struggles, added worries about claims the physician could not avoid would compound worries about staying in business.
MSDC was joined on the letter by ACOG DC Section, ACP DC, DC Academy of Family Physicians, DC AAP, DC Society of Anesthesiologists, MD/DC Society of Clinical Oncology, MedChi DC, National Hispanic Medical Association, Washington DC Dermatological Society, and the Washington Psychiatric Society.
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Sample of Health Equity Legislation MSDC Tracked
What does it say? The bill allows for the administration of medicinal marijuana in schools as well as allows students to bring sunscreen to schools and apply it without a prescription.
MSDC position: MSDC supports the language permitting sunscreen application in schools
Current status: A win for DC physicians and public health! The legislation passed the Council in February and was signed by the Mayor. Previous temporary and emergency legislation permitted students to use sunscreen at schools this school year already.
What does it say? The bill requires DC Health to establish an electronic Medical Order for Scope of Treatment registry (eMOST).
MSDC position: MSDC supports this legislation to more easily allow patients to make their treatment orders known.
Current status: A win for the physician community and our patients! The Council passed the bill in December and the Mayor signed it into law on January 16, 2020.
What does it say? The bill would implement a 1.5 cent per ounce tax on the distribution of "sugary" beverages. The money collected from the tax would establish a Healthy People, Healthy Places Open Spaces Grant Program.
MSDC position: MSDC sent a letter to Council Chair Mendelson asking for a hearing to discuss all of the issues around a beverage tax.
Current status: The bill was introduced October 8, 2019 and referred to the Committee on Business and Economic Development and the Committee of the Whole.