Health Equity

News, Statements, and Testimony on Health Equity Issues
25th Council session information coming soon.
DC Reinstitutes Mask Mandate and Declares Public Emergency
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser reinstituted the District's mask mandate due to an anticipated winter surge of COVID-19 positive cases.
The Mayor held a press conference today with officials from DC Health and other cabinet members. Speakers focused on the science behind the surge as well as the District's response to the surge in positive cases. Last week DC set a record twice for the most number of new positive COVID cases.
Dr. Anjali Talwalkar of DC Health explained the science behind the Omicron variant and noted that currently less than 1% of positive cases in the District have been confirmed as the Omicron variant, with Delta still serving as the dominant strain. However, she did note sequencing takes time so this could be an undercount. In a positive note for residents, hospitalizations still remain low, with only 4.5% of cases requiring hospitalization. While the rate of positive cases among vaccinated individuals has risen (12.23%), overwhelmingly unvaccinated individuals are the reported COVID-19 infections in DC.
The focus of the press conference was the District's expanded COVID-19 testing capabilities. DC is now launching Test Yourself DC sites in every ward, allowing DC residents to pick up a rapid antigen test at a local library to use and report the results on a District website. The Mayor noted DC recommends four testing options: go to a free DC PCR test site, take advantage of the Test Yourself PCR tests at 36 sites, take advantage of a free antigen test starting Wednesday, or make an appointment with a medical provider.
Mayor Bowser also reinstated the mask mandate for indoor settings from December 21 through January 31. She also announced all DC government employees are required to be vaccinated and receive a booster/third dose. DC is ending its test-out option for unvaccinated employees.
This story will be updated with any additional relevant information.
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Sample of Health Equity Legislation MSDC Tracked
What does it say? The bill allows for the administration of medicinal marijuana in schools as well as allows students to bring sunscreen to schools and apply it without a prescription.
MSDC position: MSDC supports the language permitting sunscreen application in schools
Current status: A win for DC physicians and public health! The legislation passed the Council in February and was signed by the Mayor. Previous temporary and emergency legislation permitted students to use sunscreen at schools this school year already.
What does it say? The bill requires DC Health to establish an electronic Medical Order for Scope of Treatment registry (eMOST).
MSDC position: MSDC supports this legislation to more easily allow patients to make their treatment orders known.
Current status: A win for the physician community and our patients! The Council passed the bill in December and the Mayor signed it into law on January 16, 2020.
What does it say? The bill would implement a 1.5 cent per ounce tax on the distribution of "sugary" beverages. The money collected from the tax would establish a Healthy People, Healthy Places Open Spaces Grant Program.
MSDC position: MSDC sent a letter to Council Chair Mendelson asking for a hearing to discuss all of the issues around a beverage tax.
Current status: The bill was introduced October 8, 2019 and referred to the Committee on Business and Economic Development and the Committee of the Whole.