Health Equity

News, Statements, and Testimony on Health Equity Issues
25th Council session information coming soon.
It is Medicaid Renewal Time!
For the first time in three years, Medicaid beneficiaries must renew their eligibility for their Medicaid coverage.
The Medicaid Renewal period officially kicked off on April 1, 2023 and will last until May 2024. During this time, every Medicaid beneficiary will complete the renewal process. If a person no longer meets the eligibility requirements, they will lose their Medicaid coverage.
Why is this important to providers? Medicaid coverage pays providers for services delivered to Medicaid beneficiaries and provides District residents with access to care.
Is there anything for providers to do to assist in Medicaid renewals? YES!
- Get the word out to your patients! We have flyers available for downloading that you can post in your office (go to for the Medicaid Renewal Communications Toolkit)
- Complete requested physician order forms (POFs) as soon as possible! Some Medicaid beneficiaries must have a level of care assessment (LOCs) to renew their eligibility. LOCs can only be order by a physician / APRN. DC Medicaid’s vendor, Liberty, must have the physician / APRN-signed prescription order form (POF) before scheduling and conducting the LOC. Medicaid beneficiaries can lose their Medicaid coverage if you do not sign the POF timely. More information on the POF process is provided below:
Prescription Order Form Process Overview:
- Purpose: The DHCF Prescription Order Form is required to request an assessment for Long Term Services and Supports. Our home health regulations require a physician order for such services.
- Form: The POF was relaunched as an electronic form in 2021. The link to the form, a PDF version of the form, and instructions are all available on the DHCF website (and the form and instructions always have been).
- Electronic functionality: The “e” version of the POF may be completed and signed electronically or it can be printed, signed, and faxed to Liberty.
- Who completes it: POFs may be completed by a variety of partners (e.g., case managers, home health agencies) but they must be signed by a licensed physician enrolled with DC Medicaid. Liberty (the DHCF-contract vendor that conducts LOC assessments) in processing POFs verifies the physician’s enrollment in Medicaid.
- Who processes it: Completed POFs are submitted by fax or electronically to Liberty, who reviews it for completeness and accuracy before scheduling an assessment.
- POF withdrawals: POFs are processed and withdrawn by Liberty for a variety of reasons, most commonly due to missing or incorrect information (e.g., NPIs or Medicaid IDs), missing signatures, or other errors. In 2023, nearly 50 percent of our POFs are resulting in withdrawal, which leads to delays in assessment and costs the District.
What physicians should know:
- Medicaid beneficiaries CANNOT access PCA and other LTSS without their order for the assessment.
- They may complete a “streamlined” application to serve as an “ordering-only” physician in Medicaid, meaning they may order Medicaid services but not provide Medicaid services. This is especially helpful for physicians who mostly see our dual eligibles (e.g., Kaiser physicians). They can create an account and look for the streamlined app on
- Signatures are REQUIRED on the POF, whether completed electronically or by paper.
- POFs submitted without a physician signature – or signed by a physician not enrolled with Medicaid – are withdrawn and do not result in an assessment.
Sample of Health Equity Legislation MSDC Tracked
What does it say? The bill allows for the administration of medicinal marijuana in schools as well as allows students to bring sunscreen to schools and apply it without a prescription.
MSDC position: MSDC supports the language permitting sunscreen application in schools
Current status: A win for DC physicians and public health! The legislation passed the Council in February and was signed by the Mayor. Previous temporary and emergency legislation permitted students to use sunscreen at schools this school year already.
What does it say? The bill requires DC Health to establish an electronic Medical Order for Scope of Treatment registry (eMOST).
MSDC position: MSDC supports this legislation to more easily allow patients to make their treatment orders known.
Current status: A win for the physician community and our patients! The Council passed the bill in December and the Mayor signed it into law on January 16, 2020.
What does it say? The bill would implement a 1.5 cent per ounce tax on the distribution of "sugary" beverages. The money collected from the tax would establish a Healthy People, Healthy Places Open Spaces Grant Program.
MSDC position: MSDC sent a letter to Council Chair Mendelson asking for a hearing to discuss all of the issues around a beverage tax.
Current status: The bill was introduced October 8, 2019 and referred to the Committee on Business and Economic Development and the Committee of the Whole.