Opioid Policies


Much like the rest of the United States, residents of the District of Columbia are struggling with substance use disorder (SUD) rate increases and high rates of opioid-related deaths. Unfortunately, these are multi-faceted issues that require year-long initiatives and systematic programs to address the myriad causes of addiction.

MSDC stands as a partner to the District government and private entities to help arrest the rates of opioid and substance abuse in the District. Through our advocacy for better prescribing practices, education on addiction, and even helping our own community through our Physician Health Program, MSDC is working to make DC a leader in reducing SUD, OUD, and addiction.

On a related note, MSDC is passionate about helping patients make prescriptions and medication more affordable. Whether expanding access to biosimilars or advocating for more affordable co-pays, MSDC wants to help our patients afford the medications they need.

MSDC Statement and Testimony on Opioid and Prescription Issues

25th Council information coming soon


MSDC Board Meets with DHCF Chief Medical Officer

Jun 26, 2024, 10:02 AM by MSDC Staff
Dr. Liburd had a conversation with the MSDC Board about the two organizations' shared priorities.


As part of the Society's continued collaboration with the District government, the Board of Directors invited Dr. Chimene Liburd, the new Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF), to present at our June Directors' meeting.

Dr. Liburd spoke with the Board about DHCF's management structure, her goals for working with healthcare stakeholders, and department goals that will impact the healthcare community. The Board and Dr. Liburd had a robust discussion on shared priorities as well as pain points for the physician community with Medicaid. The conversation continues a great working relationship between DHCF and MSDC.

In addition to this presentation, the Board on Monday:

  • Approved a new "fast track to leadership" plan to help medical students and residents prepare for future leadership opportunities in organized medicine.
  • Accepted the final report of the Public Health Task Force and thanked it for its work.
  • Approved the date (November 1) and location (coming soon) for the 2024 annual meeting of members.
  • Agreed to contract with the Rhode Island Medical Society to staff the Physician Health Program.

The next Board of Directors meeting is September 16 at MSDC's offices.

Sample of Legislation MSDC Tracked on Opioid and Prescription Policy


Access to Biosimilars Amendment Act (B23-430)

What does it do? The bill authorizes licensed pahrmacists to dispense interchangeable biological products and requires notifications to physicians when such interchangeables are dispensed.

MSDC position: MSDC has a position of priority support on this legislation, identifying its passage as one of its highest legislative priorities.

Current status: SUCCESS. The bill was passed by the Council and signed by the Mayor.

Opioid Labeling Amendment Act (B23-535)

What does it do? The bill requires prescription opioid medications to include a statement that the drug is an opioid and opioids may cause dependence, addiction, or overdoes.

MSDC position: MSDC supports the legislation.

Current status: The bill had a hearing before the Committee on Health on July 29, 2020. MSDC leader Dr. Sam Kareff testified for the Medical Society. It passed the Council on November 10 and was signed by the Mayor December 7.

Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Insurance Discrimination Amendment Act (B23-36)

What does it do? The bill prohibits insurance companies from factoring the use of PreP in decisions related to disability, life, or long-term care policies.

MSDC position: MSDC supports this legislation

Current status: The bill was introduced on January 8, 2019 and assigned to the Committee on Business and Economic Development.