Women's Health

MSDC has long advocated for women's health protections, the rights of women physicians, and affordable care for women's issues. MSDC works closes with ACOG, AAFP, AAP, and other specialty organizations to craft local legislation that allows DC to be the best place to practice women's and maternal medicine.
In the face of a maternal mortality crisis in the District, engagement in these issues is more important than ever. Learn more about how MSDC is working to protect the health of women, mothers, and babies in all wards in the city.
MSDC Statements and Testimony on Women's Health Issues
25th Council information coming soon!
Over 120 Physicians Sign Letter Asking for Prior Auth Hearing
MSDC sent a letter to Committee on Health Chair Vincent Gray on June 14 asking for a hearing on B24-655 before the summer recess. Signing the letter were over 120 DC physicians and healthcare providers representing 21 different zip codes.
The letter was sent because the committee announced a hearing on June 27 to consider four different bills. One of them is MSDC-endorsed B24-557, the Copay Accumulator Amendment Act, on which MSDC and a number of other organizations will be testifying for. As of now, the prior authorization bill is not on the agenda, despite an overwhelming desire from the community for a hearing on this important issue.
B24-655 would enact a number of commonsense reforms adopted by numerous other states when it comes to prior auths. The bill would require a medical reason for the prior auth, ensuring appropriate medical professionals are doing the utilization reviews, set a standard time for insurers to honor the issued prior auths, and more. The bill is modeled after American Medical Association (AMA) model language and has been reviewed by MSDC and numerous other medical associations. The legislation would be the most positively impactful bill for medicine in years.
Physicians, healthcare providers, and patients interested in getting involved can visit msdc.org/priorauth to learn more. MSDC encourages everyone interested to testify on behalf of B24-557 on June 27 and, if it is added, B24-655.
The text of the letter is below:
Sample of Legislation MSDC Followed in Women's Health and Maternal Health
(See the whole list of bills here)
What does the bill do? Extends postpartum inpatient and outpatient benefits to at least one year after childbirth
MSDC position: We support this legislation and the extension of insurance benefits to mothers and babies to help maternal health in the District
Current status: SUCCESS. The bill passed the Council and was signed into law by the Mayor on August 14, 2020.
What does the bill do? The bill prohibits the District government from interfering with patients' reproductive health decisions and prohibits employers from punishing physicians who perform abortions or sterilizations outside of their employment.
MSDC position: We support this legislation as it allows physicians freedom of practice.
Current status: SUCCESS. The bill passed the Committee on Government Operations in January. MSDC submitted testimony at the December hearing, and MSDC member Sara Imershein testified at the hearing. The Council passed the bill and the Mayor signed it into law on March 23, 2020.
What does the bill do? The bill extends coverage for maternal health issues and fertility preservation, creates a Maternal Health Center in the District, and mandates two hours of cultural competence CME for health care providers.
MSDC position: We oppose the bill without changes due to inclusion of mandatory CME and some of the definitions in the bill being medically questionable.
Current status: The bill had a hearing in the Committee on Health in December, with MSDC member Dr. Sara Imershein testifying for MSDC and ACOG.