The Plight of Women in Academic Medicine in the Time of COVID-19 May 27, 2020 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM

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This webinar is hosted by MSDC's Women in Medicine Section.

With both mothers and fathers working from home, the burden of unpaid household duties invariably falls on women. This gender inequality has led to a notable decrease in women publishing in academic journals. This is striking given the concomitant sudden and unprecedented fast tracking of research publications to disseminate COVID-19 related information. 

Such is the plight of women in academic medicine in the time of COVID-19. The inequity of academics during COVID-19 pandemic has  been the subject of debate and multiple articles. Join us for a webinar on this important topic, hosted by MSDC's Women in Medicine Section. Anita K. Patel, MD, will speak about this topic to discuss her insights.

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AnitaPatelAnita K Patel MD is a double board-certified Pediatrician and Pediatric Critical Care Attending at Children’s National Medical Center and an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Pennsylvania with a major in neuroscience and minor in health care management. She subsequently attended the University of Virginia School of Medicine for medical school, followed by pediatric residency at Cornell University-New York Presbyterian Hospital and finally completed a pediatric critical care fellowship at Columbia University-New York Presbyterian Hospital. She is currently an NIH funded researcher specializing in pain, sedation and delirium management in critically-ill children. Outside of her traditional job, she is also a 500-hour registered yoga teacher, and helped develop a set of meditations for women going through IVF with the Expectful App. She is currently postpartum with a newborn and has built a strong and supportive community of women on social media by sharing her academic physician life and IVF journey on Instagram @AnitaKPatelMD.

This was part of the Washington Healthcare on Wednesdays webinar series.