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MSDC Advocacy Committee January Meeting January 21, 2021 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

The MSDC Advocacy Committee will hold its first meeting of 2021 on Thursday, January 21 at 6:30 PM. The agenda will be released prior to the meeting. MSDC members in good standing may request an invitation or information to participate in the meeting. Contact Robert Hay Jr. at hay[at]msdc.org.

  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of the minutes
  3. MSDC Advocacy Curriculum
    a. Monthly advocacy open forums tied to advocacy-themed webinars
    b. Better advertising of Advocacy Committee meetings
    c. Monthly advocacy advice posts
    d. Videos of testimony
    e. New webpage on how to advocate before the Council
    f. Database customization to track issue interest
  4. Beginning of 24th Council session
    a. Composition of committees of interest
    b. DC COVID Heroes Advocacy Agenda
    c. Staff conversations on forthcoming legislation
  5. Advocacy Committee in 2021
  6. Any other issues?
  7. Adjourn 


Robert Hay

