February Is American Heart Month February 17, 2021

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Each February, Americans celebrate American Heart Month to focus on cardiovascular health and the adoption of healthy lifestyles to prevent heart disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death (excluding the current global pandemic) in Washington, D.C. According to the American Heart Association, our nation's capital ranks as th 7th highest rate of cardiovascular disease in the country.  

MSDC is pleased to partner with Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine for a special edition of The Exam RoomTM podcast with MSDC Board member Dr. Neal Barnard, titled "What Patients Wish Their Doctors Knew About  Food and Heart Health" taking place at Noon. 

The U.S. Surgeon General has issued a call to action to control hypertension by identifying evidence-based interventions that can be implemented, adapted, and expanded in diverse settings across the United States.


VIDEO: The Exam Room