SOS: What To Do About SUD March 24, 2021 12:00 PM to 12:01 PM
March 22-28 is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week. Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a medical condition, one to which physicians and medical trainees are not immune. Despite the growing awareness that SUD is a medical issue, it is still widely stigmatized as a personal shortcoming. This especially endangers healthcare professionals who suffer from the illness but are sought out to treat other people's illness. The consequences of leaving this illness untreated are costly and potentially deadly.
Watch this physician-to-physician discussion between MSDC President E.W. Emanuel and MSDC Physician Health Committee Chair Charles Samenow, MD, on SUD. Dr. Samenow has years of experience and significant insights on SUD in the physician community. He addresses:
- How do you safeguard yourself from the omnipresent pressures that lead to misuse?
- How do you identify and help others who may be at risk?