MSDC Advocacy Committee November Meeting November 8, 2021 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
MSDC's Advocacy Committee is holding its next meeting on Monday, November 8 at 6:00 PM. MSDC members are welcome to attend, listen to the conversation, and share any perspective they have on the issues being discussed.
MSDC members may request a link from hay [at]
1. Welcome and approval of September 9, 2021, minutes (see page 2)
2. Issue update
a. Temporary reciprocity process
b. Regional licensure update
c. Council legislation for telemedicine
d. Copay accumulators bill
e. CFSA policy on marijuana
3. Council hearings
a. October 27 – COW hearing on student and staff vaccinations
b. November 4 – COVID-19 hearing
c. November 15 – Committee on Health hearing
i. Medically Necessary Foods Coverage Act
ii. HIV/AIDS Data Privacy Protection Act
iii. Minors Access to Medical Records Act
4. Old issues
a. Update on Revolution by Resolution presentation from September meeting
5. New issues
a. Conversation with Dr. Reza Ghafoorian on Certificate of Need
6. Open forum – other issues?
7. Adjourn