Help for Medicare/Medicaid Dual Eligible Individuals in DC: UnitedHealthcare D-SNP (Dual Choice) Overview September 6 to 7, 2022

Health equity and access to care are important to MSDC and its leadership. To help doctors understand the options available to the District’s at-risk patients, MSDC spoke with Dr. Jomy Mathew and Dr. Ricardo Berman of UnitedHealthcare, which offers a Medicare Advantage plan targeting individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.

The discussion was far-ranging and spanned the following learning objectives:

  • High level overview of Medicare and Medicaid (@2:00)
  • Be able to understand what “Dually-eligible” (D-SNP) means (@3:15)
  • What is LTSS and how does an integrated D-SNP model coordinate this? (@6:00)
  • What are additional benefits offered in a managed integrated D-SNP program? (@11:35)
  • What is the Care Model for the UHC integrated D-SNP program? (@13:20)
  • How are patients risk stratified and what does that mean for the team supporting care? (@20:20)
  • What is a Care Plan? (@23:50)