Virtual DHCF Practice Business Transformation Focus Group June 8, 2023 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

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Transitioning to a more value-based care payment models will mean doing business differently. Many District healthcare providers will need help preparing for and implementing this important policy change. 

On behalf of the DC Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF), we invite a member of your senior leadership team to participate in an upcoming one-hour focus group to discuss this transformation. 

The focus groups, which will be conducted by Health Management Associates on behalf of DHCF, are part of a new business transformation technical assistance initiative. The project team will be gathering firsthand information from District providers of services to individuals enrolled in Medicaid about current practice businesses and resources— legal, financial, operational, clinical, data capacity—to identify training and support priorities for success under an increasingly value-based care delivery and payment model.

We are offering a virtual focus group on Thursday, June 8th from 6-7 PM ET. Registration will be capped at 10 people. Please sign up for a focus group using the link below.

After you’ve registered you will receive a link to a quick pre-survey that should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. 

Your participation is important to the goals of this initiative. As a thank you for your participation, you will receive a $25 gift card. (Note: Gift cards will be limited to one, $25 gift card per site, so we ask that you coordinate among your staff to send one representative). Gift cards will be sent electronically to the email provided in your registration following completion of the focus group.

The insights you and your peers can provide are very important. We would be grateful if you or a colleague could join us for a focus group and would welcome your support in identifying other potential participants. 

Please reach out to Project Coordinator, Samantha Di Paola, with any questions:

Thank you for your time and support.