
The MSDC Advocacy Committee is holding its first meeting of 2022 on Thursday, January 27 at 6 PM. The Committee will discuss pending advocacy issues and other topics of interest to the physician advocacy community. A draft agenda is below. Those interested in participating can contact staff for an invitation at

1. Welcome and approval of November 8, 2021, minutes
2. Issue update
a. Public health emergency declaration
b. Regional licensure update & Council telemedicine bill
c. Copay accumulators bill
d. Prior auth bill
e. CFSA policy on marijuana updates
3. Council hearings
a. February 7 – Oversight hearing on DHCF, UMC, and Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services
b. February 17 – Oversight hearing for Child and Family Services Agency
c. February 23 – Oversight hearing on DC Health
4. Old issues
a. Update on Revolution by Resolution presentation from September meeting
b. SHPDA outreach
5. New issues
Healthy Hospitals Amendment Act
L23-0205, Removing Barriers to Occupational Licensing for Returning Citizens
B24-516 Female Genital Mutilation Prohibition Act
6. Open forum – other issues?
7. Adjourn