
Today is the day to make your opinion known at the DC Council.

MSDC, medical organizations, and patient advocacy groups are joining together to push the Council today on two issues important to our patients and our practices.

First is B24-655, a bill to reform prior authorizations. If prior auths drive you crazy, this bill would help by defining who, when, and how insurers could issue a prior auth to your patients.

Second is B24-557, the Copay Accumulator Amendment Act, prevents insurers from not applying discounts against an insured's copay or deductible. This is a tactic insurers are using nationwide to penalize patients for using coupons or cost-saving measures for expensive prescribed drugs.

Today we are asking physicians, physician offices, and patients to contact the DC Council and ask their Councilmembers to push for both bills to pass this year. Both bills have support in the medical community and we need to let the Council know why.

How can you support this day of action?

  1. Look up who are the Councilmembers for your home (if you're a DC resident) and/or practice. You can find your Ward here. Remember your location is represented by your Ward Councilmember, at-large Councilmembers, and the Council Chair.
  2. Email your Councilmembers and their staff asking them to support either or both bills (if they are not already a supporter) and support them being added to the Council agenda this year after markup in the Health Committee.
  3. You can also call your Councilmembers with the same ask. Call the office number and ask to speak to the Councilmember or staff person for the issue.
  4. If you have time, visit your members' offices. Be aware there are visitor restrictions at the Wilson Building.
  5. Let MSDC know who you contact by emailing

We have resources to help you!

Prior Authorization Talking Points 9.20.22

Prior authorization website

Copay accumulator bill talking points