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COVID-19 Vaccines: What Doctors Wish Patients Knew
With more pediatric patients eligible for a COVID vaccine, MSDC is re-releasing a video done with Dr. Sandra Fryhofer on helping promote vaccine confidence with patients.
As vaccine mandates and COVID information changes almost daily, people look to healthcare professionals for advice and guidance. How healthcare providers speak with patients and clients about the vaccine will go a long way to determining if we can maintain a healthy District.
This program will help healthcare providers learn some best practices for communicating with patients and clients about the vaccine. Presenting the course is Dr. Sandra Adamson Fryhofer, MD, a nationally known physician leader experienced in sharing best practice on medical education. Dr. Fryhofer is AMA’s Liaison to ACIP, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. She is also a member of ACIP’s COVID 19 Vaccine Work Group.
Drawing on medical knowledge and compassionate care, participants will gain practical knowledge they can translate to their daily work to help convince patients to be vaccinated. This session was pre-recorded in September 2021.
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