Healthy Physicians News
July 26, 2021
DC Releases Post-COVID Healthcare ReportThe report - dated May 2021 - outlines recommendations to improve the healthcare sector based on the public health emergency.
June 29, 2021
MSDC Board Approves Proceeding With New Membership ModelThe MSDC Board approved the beginning of a years-long process to modernize MSDC's membership structure.
June 14, 2021
MSDC Calls for Fee Reduction, Wellbeing Resources in District BudgetDr. Emanuel thanked the District for proposed HPLRP funding and suggested ways to support physicians within the budget.
May 25, 2021
MSDC President Asks Congressional Leadership to Support Dr. Lorna Breen ActThe legislation would support burnout prevention and wellbeing resources for the physician community nationally.
April 20, 2021
MSDC Board Approves Medical Record Education InitiativeImpact of the CURES Act and pandemic creates in-depth discussion on Medical Society's role in informing members of medical records best practices.
April 7, 2021
AMA: Insurers Imposed Prior Auth Despite PandemicDespite the world going into triage mode in 2020, an AMA survey found insurance companies still required prior authorization as normal.
March 19, 2021
MSDC President Testifies at DC Health Oversight HearingDr. Emanuel emphasized the importance of DMV licensure policies, supporting physician wellbeing programs, and fully funding HPLRP
February 23, 2021
MSDC Board of Directors Discusses Equitable Pay in Medicine, Unconscious BiasThe Board reviewed recommendations and reports on key initiatives including health equity in the medical profession.
January 27, 2021
Vaccine Rollout, Budget Hearings Offer Opportunities for Physician AdvocacyNewly announced hearings offer physicians the opportunity to use their advocacy skills on important issues.
January 6, 2021
MSDC Announces Advocacy "Curriculum" for DC PhysiciansMSDC will have new ways for physicians to build their advocacy skills and advocate for their top issues in 2021 (and beyond).