Early Career Physicians
Early career physicians and medical students are the future of medicine and they have unique needs, interests and challenges. Early Career Physicians (ECP) is a section dedicated to early career
physicians and medical students.
Purpose: support the development of the early career physician and physicians in training as advocates for the betterment of public health through education, networking, leadership development and programming surrounding the unique needs of the early career physician
Chairs: Matthew Lecuyer, MD and Urvashi Pandit, MD
If you would like to get involved in the Section, sign up here.
Resources for Early Career Physicians in DC
Road to Residency Video Series
Next Step: Residency - Overview (Dr. Jillian Catalanotti, GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences)
Reaching Residency - Personal Statement (2022)
Reaching Residency - Acing Your Residency Virtual Interview (2022)
Financial Wellness for Early Career Physicians
Retirement Savings Challenges for Women and Strategies to Help Overcome Them (Keaton Macut, Asset Strategy Consultants)
Financial wellness for early career physiciansLearn more about MSDC's financial wellness options
Speak with a vetted professional coach or psychologist for free
Young Physicians Section
Physician employee, partner, or owner? 3 paths for young doctors.
Residents and Fellows Section
Coming soon
Medical Student Section
Coming soon
Early Career Physicians Section Activities
5333 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington, DC, USA
Register NowThis is a license renewal year. And that means that CME is on everyone’s minds. Because private practice physicians may not have the same access to grand rounds, case presentations, and other CME opportunities that hospital-based physicians have, we’d like to help out. The Private Practice Physicians Section, in partnership with the Physicians Committee and the George Washington University School of Medicine, will be hosting two in-person CME dinner events for MSDC members at Maggiano’s Little Italy, 5333 Wisconsin Avenue, in Washington.
Each two-hour session will focus on the interface between food and health, covering the latest science and applications to practice.
September 15, 2022: Nutrition Essentials for Physicians (2 hours CME)
October 13, 2022: Nutrition Controversies in Medical Practice (2 hours CME)

MSDC Mentorship Program
Do you want to help guide the next generation of physicians? Complete this short form and be paired with a mentee looking for your expertise.