How Telehealth Helps Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
The following post is sponsored by MSDC's newest corporate partner DrFirst.
The time for telehealth is now. Healthcare and government leaders have both advocated for the use of telehealth in the fight against the coronavirus.
Through virtual visits, clinicians can remotely screen those who may be infected with COVID-19 without the risk of exposing other patients and providers.
MSDC endorses the use of telehealth and secure messaging technologies to assess and treat patients remotely, including Backline by DrFirst.
About Backline
Backline makes telehealth and care collaboration easy. A simple text from the provider using Backline goes straight to the patient’s mobile phone to initiate a secure, HIPAA-compliant virtual visit. There’s no patient registration process or app for patients to download. There are no limits on usage or per-session fees. Plus, Backline gives you communication features you won’t find in other telemedicine offerings.
Please join us in combatting the spread of the coronavirus. Switch to virtual visits powered by Backline.
Register for Backline Today
Use Association Code MSDC when registering for Backline Telehealth.
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