Council Passes New Hospital Bill, Biosimilars, Other MSDC Priorities
Yesterday was a great day for the practice of medicine in the District as the Council passed multiple bills that will continue to make the District the best place to practice medicine.
The headliner was the Council's second vote to pass legislation approving a contract to build a new hospital on the campus of St. Elizabeth's. The new hospital, run by UHS, will replace United Medical Center and contains language mandating the building of related medical facilities in Wards 7 and 8. MSDC has been supportive of building a new hospital in Ward 7 and 8, and looks forward to working with the District and UHS to coordinate between practices and physicians who want to join the new hospital.
The Council also passed by unanimous consent B23-430, the Access to Biosimilars Amendment Act of 2020. The legislation authorizes licensed pharmacists to dispense interchangeable biological products, and requires notifications to physicians when such interchangeable biological products are dispensed. The legislation was one of MSDC's top legislative priorities and we coordinated with the American College of Rheumatology to pass the legislation.
In addition, Chairman Gray complimented the Medical Society of DC and AAO-HNS for their work to improve B23-565, the Hearing Aid Sales Amendment Act of 2020. The bill streamlined the process for hearing impaired individuals to acquire a hearing aid but ensured they could receive appropriate medical clearance before doing so. MSDC was proud to work with AAO-HNS, DC Health, and the Committee on Health to ensure the legislation was medically correct.
Other healthcare bills that passed the Council yesterday include:
- Window Blind and Drape Cord Safety Notification Act of 2020
(Bill 23-322) - MSDC asked for and received acceptable changes - Postpartum Coverage Expansion Amendment Act of 2020
(Bill 23-326) - MSDC supported - Pregnancy as a Qualifying Event Act of 2020
(Bill 23-584) - MSDC supported
Finally, the Council took its first vote on legislation to permit the building of a new hospital on the Howard University campus. The debate indicated that further changes to the contract could be discussed. MSDC supports Howard's ability to build a new hospital.
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