Advocacy curriculum: How to advocate for medicine in (local) DC
The MSDC Advocacy Curriculum is designed to give you the tools, knowledge, and opportunities to advocate for medicine at the local and national level. Through our events, articles, and networking opportunities, MSDC's goal is to make you confident enough to speak to policymakers about issues important to you and your patients.
For our June advocacy curriculum article, we wanted to step back and share with you how you can become involved in MSDC's advocacy efforts. While we are equipping you to advocate on your behalf, there is a power in numbers that MSDC can provide. Below are some options on how you can become involved in organized medicine's advocacy in local DC:
- Join the Advocacy Committee: MSDC created this committee to allow members to review legislation and regulations, and make recommendations to the Board for an official MSDC position. MSDC has an "advocacy ranking" system that shows the priority of legislation on which MSDC is working. After discussion and review, this committee makes recommendations to the Board for their approval, as well as highlights other issues staff has not noted.
- Volunteer to visit Councilmembers: When the Wilson Building fully opens - or even now virtually - physicians and students are trusted sources of information for Councilmembers. MSDC loves to connect physicians and students to their Councilmembers to speak directly about policies or legislation. We will even prepare you in advance and attend with you.
- Testify on legislation: MSDC closely monitors hearing schedules and routinely asks physicians to testify on health issues. Like Council visits, MSDC can help you prepare to testify before the Council or a committee. With virtual testimony only being accepted right now, testifying before the Council has become even more convenient to your schedule.
Have another idea on how you can help physician advocacy in DC? Contact us today!
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