DHCF Seeks MCAC Applications
What is the MCAC?
The MCAC is a forum for key participants and stakeholders in the Medicaid program, including consumers, advocates, providers, and government officials to review the program's operations and offer advice for improvements directly to the DHCF. Issues may include access to care, quality of care, and service delivery for managed care and fee-for-service programs. DHCF provides updates on the progress of program operation and policy changes to state plan amendments, waivers, or rules/regulations. The meetings are an opportunity to provide comments and suggestions.
Who can be on MCAC?
DHCF is looking to appoint five members in total to the MCAC which includes:
- Two (2) beneficiaries or beneficiary advocate members who may represent the following interests:
o Medicaid beneficiary
o Individuals legally responsible for a Medicaid beneficiary
o Family members of Medicaid beneficiaries;
o Non-governmental social service agencies; and/or
o Beneficiary advocacy group. - Three health provider member including a board certified physician who is familiar with both the medical needs of low-income population groups and the resources available and required for their care.
What are the responsibilities of MCAC members?
Members are expected to attend all meetings and actively participate in discussions. They should prepare for meetings in advance by reading circulated materials and completing any assigned tasks.
How often does MCAC meet?
MCAC holds quarterly meetings with an additional meeting in the Spring to review the agency’s budget priorities.
If you are interested, please fill out and submit your application by the end of the day on August 31st . If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to DaShawn Groves, Special Projects Officer,
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