Thought Leadership Resource Center for Physicians

Physician Thought Leadership Resource Center


Part of our role as a professional medical society is to be a resource provider for our members.  We are fortunate to have created partnerships and alliances with organizations that seek to provide educational and support materials that can be support of our member’s efforts to provide the best in care to their clients.  We encourage our members to engage with the content presented here and reach out to the providers should they wish more information and support.  

Click the arrows next to each category to learn more.



Resolve Contract Scorecard — See how your contract stacks up against market data for your specialty. Explore on the Resolve Contract Scorecard homepage.



How can I provide for my own financial health and my employees?
Asset Strategy Consultants

Asset Strategy Consultants

Asset Strategy Consultants and MSDC have partnered to offer enhanced financial wellness options for physicians and their practices. Individual physicians can speak with an ASC advisor to help plan for their long term goals. You can also speak with MSDC or ASC on how your practice can join the MSDC PEP 401k plan, to help your employees affordably plan for retirement. Click here to lean more about the MSDC Pooled Employer 401k Plan.


How can I find wellness through better patient visits?

WellPrept enables physicians and their teams to share essential medical information with patients before they arrive at their first appointment. WellPrept provides a single channel for confirming appointments and delivering basic information to patients, curated and provided by their providers. WellPrept offers a foundational library of selected seed content. Then, providers choose what resources to share, sourcing from existing materials or creating their own. Patients are able to complete guided research with the advance support of their physician. When patients arrive with a clear understanding of the basics, doctors don’t need to spend clinic time teaching basic anatomy and physiology. Office visits can be devoted to the personal, 1-on-1 interactions doctors find most impactful and that most benefit patients.


How can I get help negotiating my new employment contract?

Click here to access MSDC/Resolve benefit

MSDC members receive 15% off employment contract review services and salary data from Resolve. Receive assistance from a specialized attorney when reviewing or negotiating your contract, and access detailed salary data for your specialty.

Resolve is your top source for physician contract review services and compensation data. Whether you are signing your first employment contract, or renegotiating a current one, their team ensures your terms are fair. Get instant access to data from real employment contracts in your specialty and location, so you always know what you should be earning. If you need to negotiate a contract, attorneys specializing in physician employment are available to help you along the way or even negotiate on your behalf. With the right data, insights, and expertise, you can negotiate like a pro and sign the contract you deserve.

Contact MSDC or see the member benefit page for your discount code.


How can I find useful CME that can also fulfill DC Health's license requirements?
American College of Lifestyle Medicine

<Browse the CME Catalogue>

MSDC, the Healthy Physician Foundation, and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) are partnering to bring you more CME and content on the growing topic of lifestyle medicine. These interactive courses, done by experts, allow you to meet CME requirements, including in some cases the DC required public health courses.

When you use the MSDC link above to take one of these courses, a portion of the fees will go to support the Healthy Physician Foundation. The Foundation will use this money to support physician wellness, including lifestyle medicine training.


How can I help my practice safely and responsibly prescribe for patients with substance use disorder?
District Addiction Consultation Services

DACS 400 x 200DACS provides support to primary care and specialty prescribers in addressing the needs of their patients with substance use disorders and chronic pain management. All services are free and include:

  • Phone consultation for clinical questions provided by expert addiction medicine specialists
  • Education and training opportunities related to substance use disorders and chronic pain management
  • Assistance in the identification of substance use and behavioral health resources and referrals that meet the needs of the patients in your community.

Funding for DACS is provided by The District of Columbia Government, DC Health, Health Regulation and Licensing Administration (HRLA), Pharmaceutical Control Division (PCD). DACS is administered by the University of Maryland School of Medicine staff and faculty.>

How can I help my patients afford prescriptions AND donate to a good cause?

Rx4Miracles can help relieve the “sticker shock” your patients feel each time they pay for a prescription. The Rx4Miracles Prescription Savings Card provides savings for both brand and generic medications, requires no enrollment, no income requirements and is open to everyone. Rx4Miracles also generates funds which go back to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals to support their efforts to improve and change pediatric healthcare and its impact on kids, families, and communities. Funds granted through our partnership with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals help deliver specialized care, critical research, equipment, and resources necessary for hospital teams to provide life-saving care to the children in our community.
Rx4Miracles helps uninsured and underinsured individuals afford their prescription medications. However, Rx4Miracles can also be used by individuals who have health insurance coverage with no prescription benefits, which is common in many health savings accounts (HSA) and high deductible health plans. Additionally, individuals who have prescription coverage can use Rx4Miracles for non-covered medications.
In collaboration with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals we are working to save and improve the lives of as many children as possible.
Savings for you. Funds for them.

Click here to view a flyer with information.  

How can my practice learn more on and order important vaccines?
Atlantic Health Partners
Janssen-logo-2019Creating a future where disease is a thing of the past.
We are Janssen, the Pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson. We are focused on treating and preventing some of the most complex and devastating diseases of our time in oncology, immunology, neuroscience, infectious diseases & vaccines, cardiovascular & metabolism, and pulmonary hypertension. We pursue the most promising science, wherever it might be found. Learn more at
AHP-Logo-HORIZONTALAtlantic Health Partners is MSDC's vaccine buying partner to support member immunization efforts. AHP offers most favorable vaccine prices, terms, and purchasing support. 

For information about the program please contact Jeff or Cindy at 800-741-2044 or


Thought leadership articles


How Telehealth Helps Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

Mar 20, 2020, 15:42 PM by MSDC Staff
Telehealth is a critical component of a physician's practice during and after the COVID-19 outbreak.

The following post is sponsored by MSDC's newest corporate partner DrFirst.

The time for telehealth is now. Healthcare and government leaders have both advocated for the use of telehealth in the fight against the coronavirus.

Through virtual visits, clinicians can remotely screen those who may be infected with COVID-19 without the risk of exposing other patients and providers.

MSDC endorses the use of telehealth and secure messaging technologies to assess and treat patients remotely, including Backline by DrFirst.

About Backline
Backline makes telehealth and care collaboration easy.  A simple text from the provider using Backline goes straight to the patient’s mobile phone to initiate a secure, HIPAA-compliant virtual visit.  There’s no patient registration process or app for patients to download. There are no limits on usage or per-session fees.  Plus, Backline gives you communication features you won’t find in other telemedicine offerings. 

Please join us in combatting the spread of the coronavirus.  Switch to virtual visits powered by Backline.

Register for Backline Today
Use Association Code MSDC when registering for Backline Telehealth.

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