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MSDC Member Spotlight Series
Eight DC Medical Groups Urge Council to Help Physician Practices
Today, eight local medical associations sent a letter to the entire District of Columbia Council urging them to include a funding mechanism for physician practices in stimulus legislation.
The brief letter, seen here, asks the Council to include either a grant or loan program to help physician practices stay afloat during the current public health crisis. Practices are seeing fewer patients due to social distancing and cancellation of elective procedures. With financial lifelines limited due to the economic downturn, many physician offices face cutbacks, closing, or limited hours at a time when keeping people out of the hospital is essential.
The letter was signed by MSDC, MedChi DC, DCAFP, ACP-DC, ACOG DC Section, AAP-DC, the National Hispanic Medical Society, and the Washington DC Dermatological Society.
The letters follows another joint letter to Mayor Bowser MSDC sent with DCAFP and ACP-DC on top issues facing physicians during COVID-19, and also a letter MSDC President J. Desiree Pineda, MD, sent to the Council on a physician loan program.
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Public Health News
Eight DC Medical Groups Urge Council to Help Physician Practices
Today, eight local medical associations sent a letter to the entire District of Columbia Council urging them to include a funding mechanism for physician practices in stimulus legislation.
The brief letter, seen here, asks the Council to include either a grant or loan program to help physician practices stay afloat during the current public health crisis. Practices are seeing fewer patients due to social distancing and cancellation of elective procedures. With financial lifelines limited due to the economic downturn, many physician offices face cutbacks, closing, or limited hours at a time when keeping people out of the hospital is essential.
The letter was signed by MSDC, MedChi DC, DCAFP, ACP-DC, ACOG DC Section, AAP-DC, the National Hispanic Medical Society, and the Washington DC Dermatological Society.
The letters follows another joint letter to Mayor Bowser MSDC sent with DCAFP and ACP-DC on top issues facing physicians during COVID-19, and also a letter MSDC President J. Desiree Pineda, MD, sent to the Council on a physician loan program.