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MSDC Member Spotlight Series
Inexplicably Americans Are Using Household Cleaners to Prevent COVID-19 Infections
Despite warnings on the packaging and public health experts specifically warning against using them not as intended, a statistically significant percentage of Americans report misusing cleaners and disinfectants as COVID-19 protection.
The information comes from a May 4 online survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). More than a third of respondents reported using these products as protection from COVID-19. The most common misuses reported include washing food with bleach, using household disinfectant on skin, and ingesting household cleaners. Not shockingly, about 25% of those who answered the survey reported having an adverse health effect they believe was linked to disinfectant usage.
The survey was taken a few weeks after President Trump speculated aloud on the potential benefits of using disinfectant as a way to cure or prevent COVID-19.
While the survey was far from scientific, it does show that Americans are listening to news reports but maybe not public health reports.
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Public Health News
Inexplicably Americans Are Using Household Cleaners to Prevent COVID-19 Infections
Despite warnings on the packaging and public health experts specifically warning against using them not as intended, a statistically significant percentage of Americans report misusing cleaners and disinfectants as COVID-19 protection.
The information comes from a May 4 online survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). More than a third of respondents reported using these products as protection from COVID-19. The most common misuses reported include washing food with bleach, using household disinfectant on skin, and ingesting household cleaners. Not shockingly, about 25% of those who answered the survey reported having an adverse health effect they believe was linked to disinfectant usage.
The survey was taken a few weeks after President Trump speculated aloud on the potential benefits of using disinfectant as a way to cure or prevent COVID-19.
While the survey was far from scientific, it does show that Americans are listening to news reports but maybe not public health reports.