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MSDC Member Spotlight Series
Council Passes 1st Reading of Flavored E-Cigarette Ban
At Tuesday's meeting, the District Council held a 1st vote on B24-0020, which passed by a 9-3 margin. The bill, entitled the Flavored Tobacco Product Prohibition Amendment Act, would prohibit the sale and distribution of flavored electronic smoking devices in the District.
MSDC's Board voted a position of "support" for this bill earlier this year. MSDC remains concerned that flavored smoking devices are tools to increase nicotine addiction, and could increase smoking rates especially among young District residents. You can see all bills before the Council that MSDC is tracking here.
While the bill had overwhelming support, there was some concern expressed by Councilmembers. In an accepted amendment, the Council exempted hookah bars that receive a waiver for indoor smoking. Some Councilmembers pointed to a recent incident in Ocean City, MD, as a reason needed for the change. In addition, there was concern about enforcement of the bill, but the legislation places enforcement in the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, not the police.
The bill now goes to a second vote for passage. MSDC will be working to ensure it is included in a future Council agenda for passage.
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Public Health News
Council Passes 1st Reading of Flavored E-Cigarette Ban
At Tuesday's meeting, the District Council held a 1st vote on B24-0020, which passed by a 9-3 margin. The bill, entitled the Flavored Tobacco Product Prohibition Amendment Act, would prohibit the sale and distribution of flavored electronic smoking devices in the District.
MSDC's Board voted a position of "support" for this bill earlier this year. MSDC remains concerned that flavored smoking devices are tools to increase nicotine addiction, and could increase smoking rates especially among young District residents. You can see all bills before the Council that MSDC is tracking here.
While the bill had overwhelming support, there was some concern expressed by Councilmembers. In an accepted amendment, the Council exempted hookah bars that receive a waiver for indoor smoking. Some Councilmembers pointed to a recent incident in Ocean City, MD, as a reason needed for the change. In addition, there was concern about enforcement of the bill, but the legislation places enforcement in the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, not the police.
The bill now goes to a second vote for passage. MSDC will be working to ensure it is included in a future Council agenda for passage.