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MSDC Member Spotlight Series
Invitation from Dr. Edwin Chapman to Apply for Master of Science in Addiction Policy
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
There is no greater opportunity and challenge today than the need for innovation and leadership in the ever changing field of addiction medicine! Georgetown University is seeking interested candidates from every imaginable background including medicine, law, social sciences, criminal justice, faith leadership, communications technology, and most importantly, individuals with personal or family “lived experience” who can fill the current knowledge void necessary for public policies that “leave no one untreated.” Strength in treatment success is best achieved through the collaborative efforts of diverse voices at the table able to bring different perspectives in demographic and geographic advocacy. Just as every individual seeking treatment has a unique story, so too is the need for the opinions and observations of a diverse workforce that can meet that challenge.
That means Georgetown may be looking for you…. Please don’t miss this opportunity to be on the cutting edge as a “Social Engineer” for a safe and mentally healthy American future!
Edwin C. Chapman, MD
Internal Medicine & Addiction Medicine
Private Practice
Washington, DC
Interested in learning about making a difference in addiction policy with a Master of Science in Addiction Policy and Practice from Georgetown University's Graduate School of Arts & Sciences? Please join Program Director Regina LaBelle, Associate Director Adam Myers, and Associate Director of Interdisciplinary Programs Kelly Grady to learn about our innovative curriculum, careers in addiction policy, and details of how to apply, financial aid, and more. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the application process.
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
This yearlong program is a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary course of study working to build a national addiction policy workforce. The program draws on the faculty and resources of Georgetown University’s various schools, including the Graduate School of Arts and Science, the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University Law Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, the McCourt School of Public Policy, and the basic and social science departments of Georgetown College.
The priority application deadline is January 15 ($90 application fee waived), and the final deadline is April 1.
Public Health News
Invitation from Dr. Edwin Chapman to Apply for Master of Science in Addiction Policy
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
There is no greater opportunity and challenge today than the need for innovation and leadership in the ever changing field of addiction medicine! Georgetown University is seeking interested candidates from every imaginable background including medicine, law, social sciences, criminal justice, faith leadership, communications technology, and most importantly, individuals with personal or family “lived experience” who can fill the current knowledge void necessary for public policies that “leave no one untreated.” Strength in treatment success is best achieved through the collaborative efforts of diverse voices at the table able to bring different perspectives in demographic and geographic advocacy. Just as every individual seeking treatment has a unique story, so too is the need for the opinions and observations of a diverse workforce that can meet that challenge.
That means Georgetown may be looking for you…. Please don’t miss this opportunity to be on the cutting edge as a “Social Engineer” for a safe and mentally healthy American future!
Edwin C. Chapman, MD
Internal Medicine & Addiction Medicine
Private Practice
Washington, DC
Interested in learning about making a difference in addiction policy with a Master of Science in Addiction Policy and Practice from Georgetown University's Graduate School of Arts & Sciences? Please join Program Director Regina LaBelle, Associate Director Adam Myers, and Associate Director of Interdisciplinary Programs Kelly Grady to learn about our innovative curriculum, careers in addiction policy, and details of how to apply, financial aid, and more. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the application process.
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
This yearlong program is a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary course of study working to build a national addiction policy workforce. The program draws on the faculty and resources of Georgetown University’s various schools, including the Graduate School of Arts and Science, the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University Law Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, the McCourt School of Public Policy, and the basic and social science departments of Georgetown College.
The priority application deadline is January 15 ($90 application fee waived), and the final deadline is April 1.