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MSDC Member Spotlight Series


Health Committee Marks-up Copay Accumulator Bill

Mar 20, 2023, 13:12 PM by MSDC Staff
One of MSDC's top legislative priorities got closer to Council passage on Monday.

The Committee on Health got out its red pen and marked-up the District's copay accumulator bill today.

This is a big step for the MSDC priority bill to passage.

The legislation (B25-141, seen here) requires insurers to apply discount coupons and cost-saving measures to patient copays. This helps patients save money for expensive medical treatments. Insurers in other states had disallowed these savings to count toward copays, which meant more out-of-pocket costs for patients.

Next up for the bill is being agendized by Council Chair Phil Mendelson in a future Council Legislative Meeting. If it is approved twice by the Council, it goes to the Mayor for her signature.

The bill had two major changes in the version that passed the committee. First, the bill does not apply when a generic or interchangeable biologic product is available at a lower cost unless there is a documented medical reason for the specific drug. Second, the bill clarifies its alignment with IRS regulations on high deductible health plans.

If you are interested in contacting the Council on this legislation, contact Robert Hay for more information.

Public Health News


Health Committee Marks-up Copay Accumulator Bill

Mar 20, 2023, 13:12 PM by MSDC Staff
One of MSDC's top legislative priorities got closer to Council passage on Monday.

The Committee on Health got out its red pen and marked-up the District's copay accumulator bill today.

This is a big step for the MSDC priority bill to passage.

The legislation (B25-141, seen here) requires insurers to apply discount coupons and cost-saving measures to patient copays. This helps patients save money for expensive medical treatments. Insurers in other states had disallowed these savings to count toward copays, which meant more out-of-pocket costs for patients.

Next up for the bill is being agendized by Council Chair Phil Mendelson in a future Council Legislative Meeting. If it is approved twice by the Council, it goes to the Mayor for her signature.

The bill had two major changes in the version that passed the committee. First, the bill does not apply when a generic or interchangeable biologic product is available at a lower cost unless there is a documented medical reason for the specific drug. Second, the bill clarifies its alignment with IRS regulations on high deductible health plans.

If you are interested in contacting the Council on this legislation, contact Robert Hay for more information.