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Studies: Childcare Concerns Driving Burnout in Female Physicians
November 17, 2021
Two new studies confirm that childcare responsibilities during the pandemic have driven burnout among physicians, especially women physicians.
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MSDC Members Show Leadership at AMA Special Meeting
November 17, 2021
MSDC members gained new leadership positions and saw a report long advocated for by the delegation.
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Mayor Announces End of Indoor Mask Mandate
November 16, 2021
DC will no longer require masks to be worn in all indoor settings beginning Monday.
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MSDC Launches Healthy Physician App
November 1, 2021
The new app brings wellbeing resources directly to physicians to use at their own schedule and without going through their employer.
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Study: Expanded Patient Record Access Leads to More EHR Inbox Messages
October 26, 2021
Implementing the CURES Act patient records requirement saw a sharp increase in messaging at one medical system, according to a new study.
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CDC Study Shows 1 in 5 Adults Sought Mental Health Treatment in 2020
October 21, 2021
There was a slight increase in adults seeking mental health treatment from 2019-2020, with women much more likely to seek treatment.
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Yes, You've Noticed Correctly - Your EHR Inbox Has Gotten Fuller
October 15, 2021
A study in JAMA Open Source reveals time spent on EHR increased during the pandemic even with a decreased in-person patient volume.
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Council Debates Healthcare Licenses, MCOs, and Vaccine Mandates
October 5, 2021
The DC Council discussed a number of pandemic and health issues in its first meeting after summer recess.
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AMA Study Shows Lack of Health Insurance Competition in U.S.
September 29, 2021
DC actually has one of the most competitive state-level marketplaces, which speaks to the lack of competition at every level.
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MSDC Recognizes National Physician Suicide Awareness Day
September 17, 2021
The Medical Society of the District of Columbia is committed to raising awareness of the physician suicide epidemic.
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