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MSDC Announces PPE Bulk Purchase Program for Members
May 31, 2020
MSDC launches new site with Action PPE to give members an opportunity to purchase in bulk PPE for their practices.
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MSDC Recommends to Mayor Bowser Health Improvements for Re-Open Plan
May 28, 2020
MSDC made a set of recommendations to the Mayor on how to protect the health of residents during the re-open DC plan.
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DC Releases Phase One Reopening Guidance for Elective Surgeries
May 27, 2020
Today Mayor Bowser released details on how elective procedures should resume under the first phase of re-opening DC.
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Mayor Announces FY21 Budget (Updated)
May 25, 2020
Today Mayor Bowser unveiled her budget for fiscal year 2021, as well as announced updates to the fiscal year 2020 budget.
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COVID-19 Task Force Says DC Should Permit Frequent Physician Testing
May 22, 2020
The MSDC COVID-19 Task Force recommended that the District create a way for physicians to be tested frequently for COVID-19.
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Re-Open DC Advisory Group Issues Recommendations on Path Forward for District
May 21, 2020
The Mayor's Re-Open DC Advisory Group issued its report on how to safely resume life in the District, including permanent telehealth expansion.
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DC Insurers File Proposed Rates for 2021 Health Plans
May 21, 2020
DISB announced Wednesday that the four major payers have filed proposed rates for DC Health Link plans for 2021.
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MSDC Asks Council to Support Physicians in Underserved Areas
May 14, 2020
MSDC sent a letter to the Council today asking them to protect independent physicians serving in areas of need.
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Mayor Extends Stay At Home Order Through June 8
May 14, 2020
The Mayor extended the District's stay at home order until June 8 and required wearing a face covering in public places.
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Cancer Screenings and Routine Care Drop During Public Health Emergency
May 12, 2020
Statistics confirm what many already know: routine medical care is being delayed all over in response to COVID-19
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