MSDC Examines Healthcare Models With International Healthcare Experts
September 29, 2020
Amid the US presidential election, MSDC will host a healthcare forum on Thursday, October 8, 2020, featuring the architect of the Swiss healthcare system.
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MSDC Joins AMA Letter Opposing Redefining "Physician"
September 23, 2020
MSDC joined an AMA letter asking Congress not to include psychologists in the Medicare definition of physician.
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MSDC Board Approves New Business Plans for Society
September 22, 2020
The MSDC Board voted on some major changes to the Society's strategies, including approving new entities to meet strategic goals.
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Delaware and West Virginia Added, California Subtracted From Quarantine List
September 21, 2020
DC Health released its newest list of quarantined states with some big name destination going on and off.
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DC Health Publishes Antigen Testing Guidance
September 18, 2020
DC Health outlines how antigen testing should be used and considered with patients.
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DC Health Releases New Guidance on Healthcare Workplace and Patients
September 16, 2020
DC Health guidance encourages healthcare facilities to shift from testing-based strategies to symptom-based strategies for COVID-19.
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MSDC Board Chair Dr. Bathgate Testifies In Favor of Dr. Montague Cobb Way
September 16, 2020
Dr. Bathgate testified in favor of a bill sponsored by MedChi DC to rename a street after DC medical legend Dr. Montague Cobb.
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Information on Free Telehealth Laptops and Licenses for Medicaid Providers
September 14, 2020
If you are a Medicaid provider, you could be eligible to receive a loaner laptop and telehealth license for one year.
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