CDC Confirms Underlying Medical Conditions Heighten COVID-19 Risks
June 16, 2020
COVID-19 patients with underlying medical conditions faced vastly higher rates of hospitalization and death, according to the CDC.
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MSDC President Testifies at Committee on Health Budget Hearing
June 10, 2020
MSDC President Dr. Pineda told the Council what steps needed to be taken to ensure a robust physician network across the District.
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MSDC Joins AMA House of Medicine in Supporting Limited Medical Liability
June 10, 2020
MSDC joined the AMA and numerous other medical associations in asking Congress to protect physicians from frivolous COVID-19 lawsuits.
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Payers Pulling Back COVID-19 Coverages
June 10, 2020
Insurance companies are beginning to withdraw COVID-19 benefits despite the need to monitor the population.
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Inexplicably Americans Are Using Household Cleaners to Prevent COVID-19 Infections
June 9, 2020
A non-scientific survey shows that a high percentage of respondents used household cleaners to prevent COVID-19 infection.
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New Demographic Data Reporting Requirements for Laboratories
June 5, 2020
HHS announces that testing laboratories must provide demographic data to the federal government to ensure more equitable resource distribution.
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COVID-19 Task Force Recommends Enforcing Vaccine Schedule
June 5, 2020
The MSDC COVID-19 Task Force strongly recommends all District schools enforce their vaccine schedule to prevent an autumn health care crisis.
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Report: Entrenched Health Disparities To Blame for African-American COVID Death Rates
June 4, 2020
A Georgetown study highlights how societal and health inequities severely disadvantage African-Americans in the District
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