Congress Passes COVID 3.5 Bill and Pivots to CARES Act Part 4
April 24, 2020
The latest federal stimulus bill contains more funding for public health including new funds for testing.
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MSDC Meets with CareFirst to Discuss Changes and Concerns from DC Docs
April 22, 2020
In this letter from MSDC President Desiree Pineda, MD, she shared the outcomes of a meeting with local CareFirst leadership.
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MSDC and DC Physician Associations Urge Council to Limit Liability Exposure
April 20, 2020
MSDC and leading DC associations sent a letter to the Council urging them to pass needed clarification on legal liability during the public health emergency.
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MSDC COVID-19 Task Force Convenes To Tackle Tough Conversations
April 17, 2020
The MSDC COVID-19 Task Force had its first meeting Thursday and made recommendations on PPE, testing for physicians, and licensing.
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MSDC, AMA, 140 Medical Societies Urge Congress to Protect Physicians
April 16, 2020
MSDC joined an industry letter outlining to Congress needed relief for physicians during the next federal stimulus bill.
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CareFirst Announces Accelerated Payments for Providers
April 11, 2020
CareFirst has created an advanced payment request form for certain physician practices to help them remain viable during COVID-19.
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MSDC Issues Physician Protection Statement During COVID-19
April 9, 2020
MSDC has issued a new statement standing by physicians' right to be protected and to speak out during COVID-19
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Council Passes Stimulus Bill With Some Relief for Physicians
April 8, 2020
The Council passed a new stimulus bill that included some positives for physicians but did not include a physician practice loan or grant program.
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