Health Entities Seeing Massive Increase in Ransonware Attacks
March 10, 2020
Healthcare entities have seen a massive uptick in ransonware attacks, according to a leading commercial insurer.
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HHS Announces New Rules Governing Electronic Health Records
March 10, 2020
HHS announced yesterday new rules designed to make patient data more available to patients and improve interoperability of systems.
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CMS Announces New Processes to Combat COVID-19
March 5, 2020
CMS announced new processes design to help address the spread of coronavirus in the U.S.
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Council Passes Protections for Reproductive Health Physicians
March 4, 2020
The Council passed a bill protecting the physician-patient relationship in reproductive health.
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What Should a DC Physician Do If They Suspect a COVID-19 Case?
March 3, 2020
Worried a patient is showing signs of COVID-19? Here is updated information on what you need to do as a physician.
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CDC: Highest Ever Number of Kids Hospitalized for Flu
March 2, 2020
This flu season has seen record high hospitalizations for children, but other metrics remaining at or near average so far.
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AMA, State Societies Fight Insurers Misusing CPT Codes
February 28, 2020
The AMA and State Society Litigation Center have filed a brief arguing Aetna misused CPT codes to charge administrative fees to patients.
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CDC: 42% of U.S. Adults are Obese
February 27, 2020
The CDC released a study showing the rate of obesity in U.S. adults is still high.
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